Gradle Develop Build
Jalview Builds
Tests: 6 of 1703 failed
Duration: 8 minutes
Changes: Who: Renia Correya <>
Why: JAL-4386 Calculate tree using secondary structure annotation - Documentation, Changes to include Secondary structure from JPred.
Jalview Builds - Gradle Develop Build
Tests: 4 of 1696 failed
Duration: 8 minutes
Changes: Who: Ben Soares <>
Why: JAL-4397 Removed debugging statement
Jalview Builds - Gradle Develop Build
Tests: 7 of 1703 failed
Duration: 9 minutes
Changes: Who: Renia Correya
Why: JAL-4386 Drop down for secondary structure sources in calculate window
Changes by Renia Correya
Jalview Builds - Gradle Develop Build
Tests: 27 of 1696 failed
Duration: 9 minutes
Changes: No changes
Manual run by Renia Correya
Jalview Builds - Gradle Develop Build
Tests: 1448 passed
Duration: 8 minutes
Changes: Who: James Procter <>
Why: JAL-4243 Jalview’s biotool record as JSON complete with update instructions as a README
Jalview Builds - Gradle Develop Build
Tests: 3 of 1610 failed
Duration: < 1 second
Changes: No changes
First build for this plan