Build log
The build generated 438 lines of output. Download or view full build log
06-Jul-2020 17:04:06 | Build Jalview Builds - Gradle build with getdown and install4j - bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows - Default Job #3 (JB-JGP14-JOB1-3) started building on agent Default Agent |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:06 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:06 | Build working directory is /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:06 | Executing build Jalview Builds - Gradle build with getdown and install4j - bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows - Default Job #3 (JB-JGP14-JOB1-3) |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:06 | Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:06 | Checking out into /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:06 | Updating source code to revision: 06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:06 | Fetching 'refs/heads/bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows' from ''. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:07 | Checking out revision 06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | From file:///srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache/2597b807d50ab756c763be1d374b09c84289a164 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | 1de3658..06d91fe bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows -> origin/bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Already on 'bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows' |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Your branch is behind 'origin/bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows' by 2 commits, and can be fast-forwarded. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | (use "git pull" to update your local branch) |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | HEAD is now at 06d91fe Merge branch 'bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows' of into bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Updated source code to revision: 06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Running pre-build action: Artifactory Release Staging |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planKey} with JB-JGP14 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Starting task 'Jalview distribution for Java 11' of type 'org.jfrog.bamboo.bamboo-artifactory-plugin:artifactoryGradleTask' |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Bamboo Artifactory Plugin version: 2.6.2 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:08 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'Jalview Builds - Gradle build with getdown and install4j - bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows - Default Job #3 (JB-JGP14-JOB1-3)' ... running command line: /home/bamboo/buildtools/gradle/bin/gradle -x test -PJAVA_VERSION=11 -PCHANNEL=BUILD -Pbamboo_planKey=JB-JGP14 clean makeDist shadowJar getdown installers ... in: /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1 ... using extra environment variables: bamboo_planRepository_1_branch=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_capability_system_builder_maven_Artifactory_Maven_3=/usr CATALINA_PID=/home/bamboo/latest/work/ bamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_repository_revision_number=06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 bamboo_resultsUrl= JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dbamboo.home=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 bamboo_repository_24707116_name=Jalview Git bamboo_build_working_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1 bamboo_planRepository_1_name=Jalview Git bamboo_buildKey=JB-JGP14-JOB1 bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_171=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- bamboo_shortPlanName=bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_repository_24707116_revision_number=06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 bamboo_planRepository_name=Jalview Git LOGNAME=bamboo bamboo_buildNumber=3 PWD=/ bamboo_capability_system_builder_command_Eclipse_2019_09=/home/bamboo/buildtools/eclipse/jee-2019-09/eclipse/eclipse bamboo_capability_system_jdk_OpenJDK_11_JRE_only=/home/bamboo/buildtools/jvm/jre11_x64_linux bamboo_shortJobName=Default Job bamboo_buildResultsUrl= bamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl= SHELL=/bin/bash bamboo_agentId=196609 bamboo_planName=Jalview Builds - Gradle build with getdown and install4j - bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_shortPlanKey=JGP14 bamboo_repository_24707116_git_repositoryUrl= bamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1 bamboo_capability_system_jdk_OpenJDK_11=/home/bamboo/buildtools/OpenJDK11/jdk-11 bamboo_planRepository_revision=06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 bamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-07-06T17:04:06.797+01:00 bamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=1de3658f20c06bdf74813d1f98f18dcca63e73cc bamboo_repository_24707116_git_branch=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=1de3658f20c06bdf74813d1f98f18dcca63e73cc bamboo_repository_git_branch=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_buildResultKey=JB-JGP14-JOB1-3 bamboo_repository_branch_name=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_buildPlanName=Jalview Builds - Gradle build with getdown and install4j - bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows - Default Job bamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_j11_Ant=/home/bamboo/buildtools/j11/ant-j11 bamboo_planRepository_1_revision=06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 SHLVL=1 bamboo_repository_24707116_previous_revision_number=1de3658f20c06bdf74813d1f98f18dcca63e73cc bamboo_repository_24707116_git_username= bamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_x11_Ant=/home/bamboo/buildtools/x11-ant bamboo_repository_name=Jalview Git JAVA_HOME=/home/bamboo/buildtools/OpenJDK11/jdk-11/ bamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 bamboo_buildFailed=false bamboo_planRepository_branch=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609 bamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/bin/git bamboo_repository_git_username= bamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=1de3658f20c06bdf74813d1f98f18dcca63e73cc bamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2 bamboo_planRepository_branchName=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows _=/usr/bin/java bamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_j11_x11_Ant=/home/bamboo/buildtools/j11/x11-ant-j11 bamboo_capability_system_builderivy_Ivy=/usr bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- bamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-24510551 bamboo_capability_system_builder_gradle_Gradle=/home/bamboo/buildtools/gradle bamboo_hg_cache_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache bamboo_planRepository_1_username= bamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2 USER=bamboo bamboo_repository_24707116_branch_name=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_git_cache_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache bamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=Soares bamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl= bamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/usr/share/ant bamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/usr/share/maven bamboo_tmp_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/temp bamboo_working_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1 bamboo_planKey=JB-JGP14 bamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl= bamboo_planRepository_username= bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- HOME=/home/bamboo bamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:09 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:09 | > Configure project : |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:09 | HEADLESS BUILD |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:09 | Using a BUILD profile. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:10 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:10 | > Task :clean |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:10 | > Task :cleanPackageDir |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:10 | > Task :copyHelp |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:11 | > Task :buildIndices |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:13 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:13 | > Task :compileJava |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:13 | Setting target compatibility to 11 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:17 | Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:17 | Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:17 | Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:17 | Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:17 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:17 | > Task :processResources |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:17 | > Task :classes |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:17 | > Task :setGitVals UP-TO-DATE |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:17 | > Task :createBuildProperties |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:18 | > Task :compileLinkCheck |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:18 | > Task :cleanBuildingHTML UP-TO-DATE |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | > Task :convertBuildingMD |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | > Task :syncDocs |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | > Task :syncResources |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | > Task :prepare |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | > Task :linkCheck |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | Checking help file links |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | Results: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 138 distinct help targets |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 138 help mappings |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 0 invalid targets |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 24 unused targets |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | uniprotfetcher: html/features/uniprotsequencefetcher.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | overviewprefs: html/features/preferences.html#overview |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | cdnafeatures: html/features/codingfeatures.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | ensemblfetch: html/features/ensemblsequencefetcher.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | io.modellerpir: html/io/modellerpir.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | pdbmcviewer: html/features/pdbviewer.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | groovy.colours: html/features/groovy.html#groovyColours |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | seqmappings: html/features/seqmappings.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | uniprotfts: html/features/uniprotsequencefetcher.html#uniprotfts |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | splitframe.mirrorfonts: html/features/splitView.html#mirror |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | subtMatrices.pam250: html/calculations/scorematrices.html#pam250 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | search: html/features/search.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | viewingpdbs.reps: html/features/viewingpdbs.html#viewreps |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | alformats: html/io/fileformats.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | strucprefs: html/features/preferences.html#structure |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | siftsmapping: html/features/siftsmapping.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | chimera.annotxfer: html/features/chimera.html#annotxfer |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | pdbfts: html/features/pdbsequencefetcher.html#pdbfts |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | newkeys: html/features/newkeystrokes.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | seqfeatures.settings.selcols: html/features/featuresettings.html#selectbyfeature |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | jalarchive: html/features/jalarchive.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | newsreader: html/webServices/newsreader.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | popMenuAddref: html/menus/popupMenu.html#addrefannot |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | overview: html/features/overview.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 0 invalid map urls |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 0 invalid image attributes |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 386 internal href links (74 with anchors) |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 0 invalid internal href links |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 0 invalid internal anchor links |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | 87 external href links |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | External links not verified as internet not available |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:19 | *** Success *** |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:20 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:20 | > Task :jar |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:21 | > Task :syncJars |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:21 | > Task :makeDist |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:27 | > Task :shadowJar |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:27 | > Task :getdownWebsite |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:28 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:28 | > Task :getdownDigest |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:28 | Generating digest file './getdown/website/11/digest.txt'... |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:28 | Generating digest file './getdown/website/11/digest2.txt'... |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:28 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:28 | > Task :getdown |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:28 | 2020/07/06 17:04:27:543 WARNING Starting without install4j classes |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:28 | 2020/07/06 17:04:28:038 WARNING Starting without install4j classes |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:28 | > Task :copyInstall4jTemplate |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:30 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:30 | > Task :installers |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:30 | Using projectFile /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/utils/install4j/jalview-install4j-conf.install4j |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:32 | install4j version 8.0.5 (build 8155), built on 2020-03-16 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:32 | Using Java 1.8.0_252 from /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:32 | Registered to Jalview, University of Dundee |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:32 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:32 | Loading config file /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/utils/install4j/jalview-install4j-conf.install4j |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:33 | Creating media file 'Windows x64 EXE Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:33 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:33 | [WARNING] The version of the bundled JRE is too low. It should be at least 11! |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:33 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:33 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:33 | Generating VM options file jalview.vmoptions. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:33 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:33 | Using custom installer icon: /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/utils/install4j/../../resources/images/jalview_logos.ico |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:35 | Zipping custom code & resources JAR file |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:35 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:35 | Adding JRE (jre-11-windows-x64.tar.gz) |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:35 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:36 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:36 | Creating media file 'macOS Disk Image': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:36 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:36 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:36 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:36 | Generating VM options file vmoptions.txt. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:36 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:36 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:36 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Creating media file 'Linux x64 Shell Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | [WARNING] The version of the bundled JRE is too low. It should be at least 11! |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Generating VM options file .i4j_external_735/jalview.vmoptions. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Zipping custom code & resources JAR file |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Adding JRE (jre-11-linux-x64.tar.gz) |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:37 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Creating media file 'Unix .tar.gz Archive': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Generating VM options file .i4j_external_735/jalview.vmoptions. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Creating media file 'Unix Shell Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Generating VM options file .i4j_external_735/jalview.vmoptions. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:38 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:39 | Zipping custom code & resources JAR file |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:39 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:39 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:39 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:39 | Compressing 5 media files with 4 threads: |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:55 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:55 | Compressed media file 'macOS Disk Image': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:55 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/11 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:56 | The name of the media file is Jalview_Build-2_11_1_0-macos-java_11.dmg. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:56 | The size of the media file is 82.0 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:58 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:58 | Compressed media file 'Unix .tar.gz Archive': |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:58 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/11 |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:58 | The name of the media file is jalview_build-2_11_1_0-unix-java_11.tar.gz. |
06-Jul-2020 17:04:58 | The size of the media file is 44.7 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:04 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:04 | Compressed media file 'Unix Shell Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:04 | Compressing files |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:04 | Applying LZMA compression |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:04 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/11 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:04 | The name of the media file is |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:04 | The size of the media file is 40.1 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Compressed media file 'Windows x64 EXE Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Compressing files |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Applying LZMA compression |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/11 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | The name of the media file is Jalview_Build-2_11_1_0-windows-x64-java_11.exe. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | The size of the media file is 81.0 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Compressed media file 'Linux x64 Shell Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Compressing files |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Applying LZMA compression |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/11 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | The name of the media file is |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | The size of the media file is 79.8 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Writing md5sums. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Writing sha256sums. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Writing updates.xml. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Please upload updates.xml to |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | and upload all generated media files to the same directory. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:07 | Build completed in 35.4 seconds. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:08 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:08 | BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 1m 0s |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:08 | 21 actionable tasks: 20 executed, 1 up-to-date |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:09 | Finished task 'Jalview distribution for Java 11' with result: Success |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:09 | Substituting variable: ${bamboo.planKey} with JB-JGP14 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:09 | Starting task 'Jalview distribution for Java 8' of type 'org.jfrog.bamboo.bamboo-artifactory-plugin:artifactoryGradleTask' |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:09 | Bamboo Artifactory Plugin version: 2.6.2 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:09 | Beginning to execute external process for build 'Jalview Builds - Gradle build with getdown and install4j - bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows - Default Job #3 (JB-JGP14-JOB1-3)' ... running command line: /home/bamboo/buildtools/gradle/bin/gradle -x test -x clean -PJAVA_VERSION=1.8 -PCHANNEL=BUILD -Pbamboo_planKey=JB-JGP14 shadowJar getdown installers ... in: /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1 ... using extra environment variables: bamboo_planRepository_1_branch=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_capability_system_builder_maven_Artifactory_Maven_3=/usr CATALINA_PID=/home/bamboo/latest/work/ bamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_repository_revision_number=06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 bamboo_resultsUrl= JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dbamboo.home=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 bamboo_repository_24707116_name=Jalview Git bamboo_build_working_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1 bamboo_planRepository_1_name=Jalview Git bamboo_buildKey=JB-JGP14-JOB1 bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_171=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- bamboo_shortPlanName=bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_repository_24707116_revision_number=06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 bamboo_planRepository_name=Jalview Git LOGNAME=bamboo bamboo_buildNumber=3 PWD=/ bamboo_capability_system_builder_command_Eclipse_2019_09=/home/bamboo/buildtools/eclipse/jee-2019-09/eclipse/eclipse bamboo_capability_system_jdk_OpenJDK_11_JRE_only=/home/bamboo/buildtools/jvm/jre11_x64_linux bamboo_shortJobName=Default Job bamboo_buildResultsUrl= bamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl= SHELL=/bin/bash bamboo_agentId=196609 bamboo_planName=Jalview Builds - Gradle build with getdown and install4j - bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_shortPlanKey=JGP14 bamboo_repository_24707116_git_repositoryUrl= bamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1 bamboo_capability_system_jdk_OpenJDK_11=/home/bamboo/buildtools/OpenJDK11/jdk-11 bamboo_planRepository_revision=06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 bamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-07-06T17:04:06.797+01:00 bamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=1de3658f20c06bdf74813d1f98f18dcca63e73cc bamboo_repository_24707116_git_branch=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=1de3658f20c06bdf74813d1f98f18dcca63e73cc bamboo_repository_git_branch=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_buildResultKey=JB-JGP14-JOB1-3 bamboo_repository_branch_name=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_buildPlanName=Jalview Builds - Gradle build with getdown and install4j - bug-JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows - Default Job bamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_j11_Ant=/home/bamboo/buildtools/j11/ant-j11 bamboo_planRepository_1_revision=06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16 SHLVL=1 bamboo_repository_24707116_previous_revision_number=1de3658f20c06bdf74813d1f98f18dcca63e73cc bamboo_repository_24707116_git_username= bamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_x11_Ant=/home/bamboo/buildtools/x11-ant bamboo_repository_name=Jalview Git bamboo_build_commandline_org_jfrog_bamboo_bamboo_artifactory_plugin_artifactoryGradleTask_2=/home/bamboo/buildtools/gradle/bin/gradle -x test -PJAVA_VERSION=11 -PCHANNEL=BUILD -Pbamboo_planKey=JB-JGP14 clean makeDist shadowJar getdown installers JAVA_HOME=/home/bamboo/buildtools/OpenJDK11/jdk-11/ bamboo_dependenciesDisabled=false LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 bamboo_buildFailed=false bamboo_planRepository_branch=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609 bamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/bin/git bamboo_repository_git_username= bamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=1de3658f20c06bdf74813d1f98f18dcca63e73cc bamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_planRepository_1_type=gitv2 bamboo_planRepository_branchName=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows _=/usr/bin/java bamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_j11_x11_Ant=/home/bamboo/buildtools/j11/x11-ant-j11 bamboo_capability_system_builderivy_Ivy=/usr bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- bamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-24510551 bamboo_capability_system_builder_gradle_Gradle=/home/bamboo/buildtools/gradle bamboo_hg_cache_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache bamboo_planRepository_1_username= bamboo_planRepository_type=gitv2 USER=bamboo bamboo_repository_24707116_branch_name=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows bamboo_git_cache_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache bamboo_ManualBuildTriggerReason_userName=Soares bamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl= bamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/usr/share/ant bamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/usr/share/maven bamboo_tmp_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/temp bamboo_working_directory=/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1 bamboo_planKey=JB-JGP14 bamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl= bamboo_planRepository_username= bamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- HOME=/home/bamboo bamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:11 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:11 | > Configure project : |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:11 | HEADLESS BUILD |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:11 | Using a BUILD profile. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:13 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:13 | > Task :compileJava |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:13 | Setting target compatibility to 1.8 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:17 | Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:17 | Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:17 | Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:17 | Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:17 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:17 | > Task :processResources UP-TO-DATE |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:17 | > Task :classes |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:17 | > Task :cleanPackageDir |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:17 | > Task :copyHelp UP-TO-DATE |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:18 | > Task :buildIndices |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:18 | > Task :setGitVals UP-TO-DATE |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:18 | > Task :createBuildProperties |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:19 | > Task :compileLinkCheck |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:19 | > Task :cleanBuildingHTML |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:20 | > Task :convertBuildingMD |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:20 | > Task :syncDocs UP-TO-DATE |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:20 | > Task :syncResources UP-TO-DATE |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:20 | > Task :prepare UP-TO-DATE |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | > Task :linkCheck |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | Checking help file links |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | Results: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 138 distinct help targets |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 138 help mappings |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 0 invalid targets |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 24 unused targets |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | uniprotfetcher: html/features/uniprotsequencefetcher.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | overviewprefs: html/features/preferences.html#overview |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | cdnafeatures: html/features/codingfeatures.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | ensemblfetch: html/features/ensemblsequencefetcher.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | io.modellerpir: html/io/modellerpir.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | pdbmcviewer: html/features/pdbviewer.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | groovy.colours: html/features/groovy.html#groovyColours |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | seqmappings: html/features/seqmappings.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | uniprotfts: html/features/uniprotsequencefetcher.html#uniprotfts |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | splitframe.mirrorfonts: html/features/splitView.html#mirror |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | subtMatrices.pam250: html/calculations/scorematrices.html#pam250 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | search: html/features/search.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | viewingpdbs.reps: html/features/viewingpdbs.html#viewreps |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | alformats: html/io/fileformats.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | strucprefs: html/features/preferences.html#structure |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | siftsmapping: html/features/siftsmapping.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | chimera.annotxfer: html/features/chimera.html#annotxfer |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | pdbfts: html/features/pdbsequencefetcher.html#pdbfts |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | newkeys: html/features/newkeystrokes.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | seqfeatures.settings.selcols: html/features/featuresettings.html#selectbyfeature |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | jalarchive: html/features/jalarchive.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | newsreader: html/webServices/newsreader.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | popMenuAddref: html/menus/popupMenu.html#addrefannot |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | overview: html/features/overview.html |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 0 invalid map urls |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 0 invalid image attributes |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 386 internal href links (74 with anchors) |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 0 invalid internal href links |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 0 invalid internal anchor links |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | 87 external href links |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | External links not verified as internet not available |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | *** Success *** |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:21 | > Task :jar |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:22 | > Task :syncJars |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:22 | > Task :makeDist |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:27 | > Task :shadowJar |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:27 | > Task :getdownWebsite |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:28 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:28 | > Task :getdownDigest |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:28 | Generating digest file './getdown/website/1.8/digest.txt'... |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:28 | Generating digest file './getdown/website/1.8/digest2.txt'... |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:28 | 2020/07/06 17:05:27:589 WARNING Starting without install4j classes |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:28 | 2020/07/06 17:05:28:034 WARNING Starting without install4j classes |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:28 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:28 | > Task :getdown |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:28 | > Task :copyInstall4jTemplate UP-TO-DATE |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:30 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:30 | > Task :installers |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:30 | Using projectFile /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/utils/install4j/jalview-install4j-conf.install4j |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:30 | install4j version 8.0.5 (build 8155), built on 2020-03-16 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:30 | Using Java 1.8.0_252 from /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:30 | Registered to Jalview, University of Dundee |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:30 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:30 | Loading config file /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/utils/install4j/jalview-install4j-conf.install4j |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:31 | Creating media file 'Windows x64 EXE Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:31 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:31 | [WARNING] The version of the bundled JRE is too low. It should be at least 1.8! |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:31 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:31 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:31 | Generating VM options file jalview.vmoptions. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:31 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:31 | Using custom installer icon: /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/utils/install4j/../../resources/images/jalview_logos.ico |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:33 | Zipping custom code & resources JAR file |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:33 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:33 | Adding JRE (jre-8-windows-x64.tar.gz) |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:33 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:34 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:34 | Creating media file 'macOS Disk Image': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:34 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:34 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:34 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:34 | Generating VM options file vmoptions.txt. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:34 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:34 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:34 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Creating media file 'Linux x64 Shell Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | [WARNING] The version of the bundled JRE is too low. It should be at least 1.8! |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Generating VM options file .i4j_external_735/jalview.vmoptions. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Zipping custom code & resources JAR file |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Adding JRE (jre-8-linux-x64.tar.gz) |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:35 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Creating media file 'Unix .tar.gz Archive': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Generating VM options file .i4j_external_735/jalview.vmoptions. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Creating media file 'Unix Shell Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Collecting files: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Compiling launchers: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Compiling launcher 'Jalview Launcher': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Generating VM options file .i4j_external_735/jalview.vmoptions. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Creating media file: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:36 | Generating launcher script file |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:37 | Zipping custom code & resources JAR file |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:37 | Identifying components |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:37 | Shrinking runtime |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:37 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:37 | Compressing 5 media files with 4 threads: |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:52 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:52 | Compressed media file 'macOS Disk Image': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:52 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/1.8 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:52 | The name of the media file is Jalview_Build-2_11_1_0-macos-java_8.dmg. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:52 | The size of the media file is 75.7 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:55 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:55 | Compressed media file 'Unix .tar.gz Archive': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:55 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/1.8 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:55 | The name of the media file is jalview_build-2_11_1_0-unix-java_8.tar.gz. |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:55 | The size of the media file is 38.4 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:58 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:58 | Compressed media file 'Unix Shell Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:58 | Compressing files |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:58 | Applying LZMA compression |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:58 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/1.8 |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:58 | The name of the media file is |
06-Jul-2020 17:05:58 | The size of the media file is 34.1 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Compressed media file 'Linux x64 Shell Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Compressing files |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Applying LZMA compression |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/1.8 |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | The name of the media file is |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | The size of the media file is 73.1 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Compressed media file 'Windows x64 EXE Installer': |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Compressing files |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Applying LZMA compression |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Moving media files to media directory /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-JGP14-JOB1/build/install4j/1.8 |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | The name of the media file is Jalview_Build-2_11_1_0-windows-x64-java_8.exe. |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | The size of the media file is 71.6 MB |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Writing md5sums. |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Writing sha256sums. |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Writing updates.xml. |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Please upload updates.xml to |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | and upload all generated media files to the same directory. |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:00 | Build completed in 31.2 seconds. |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:01 | |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:01 | BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 52s |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:01 | 20 actionable tasks: 15 executed, 5 up-to-date |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:02 | Finished task 'Jalview distribution for Java 8' with result: Success |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:02 | Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:02 | Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:02 | Publishing an artifact: Jalview getdown launcher |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:02 | Finished publishing of artifact Shared artifact: [Jalview getdown launcher], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [getdown/files] in 39.42 ms |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:02 | Publishing an artifact: getdown-channel |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:02 | Finished publishing of artifact Shared artifact: [getdown-channel], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [getdown/website] in 242.1 ms |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:02 | Publishing an artifact: install4j installers |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Finished publishing of artifact Shared artifact: [install4j installers], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [build/install4j] in 2.012 s |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Publishing an artifact: Jalview executables |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Finished publishing of artifact Shared artifact: [Jalview executables], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [build/libs] in 332.4 ms |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running post build plugin 'Artifactory Release Management Staging' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running post build plugin 'Artifactory Build Info Copier' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running post build plugin 'Artifactory Gradle Properties Info Copier' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Finalising the build... |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Stopping timer. |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Build JB-JGP14-JOB1-3 completed. |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | All post build plugins have finished |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Generating build results summary... |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Saving build results to disk... |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Logging substituted variables... |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Indexing build results... |
06-Jul-2020 17:06:04 | Finished building JB-JGP14-JOB1-3. |