JAL-3628Unable to save update to an existing file on Windows due to 'something went wrong with the backups of this file' dialog when backups are disabledClosed
Build: #3 was successful
Job: Default Job was successful
Code commits
Jalview Git
Ben Soares <b.soares@dundee.ac.uk> 06d91fe495898df93fd6fcdc305f304cf9f3aa16
Merge branch 'bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows' of https://source.jalview.org/git/jalview into bug/JAL-3628_Unable_to_save_update_to_existing_file_in_Windows
Ben Soares <b.soares@dundee.ac.uk> bf049bfae9dda6deb9ca2f39175b5404b7dace3f m
JAL-3676 improvement for visual selection of console text - fg color change if required