Build log
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23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] core_jalview.js:280657: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] core_jalview.js:282685: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] core_jalview.js:284830: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] core_jalview.js:286794: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] if (false && this.thePattern == null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:07:49 | [java] 0 error(s), 118 warning(s) |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | [delete] Deleting: /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site/swingjs/js/core/tmp.js |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | publish-core-template: |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | [echo] ......Now copying site/jalview_bin_Jalview.html as ${$}__jalview.html with core:"_jalview", added to the Info block. |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | [copy] Copying 1 file to /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | build-all-cores: |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | CallToJs: |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | toJs: |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | [echo] Building core file 'jalview' - warnings are OK; "does not exist" is trouble |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | [echo] Reading core class list from file /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/classlists/jalview.txt |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | call-core: |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | [echo] ......Creating corejalview.js |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | [concat] /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site/swingjs/j2s/jalview/datamodel/features/RangeComparator.js does not exist. |
23-May-2019 13:07:50 | [echo] ......Generating site/swingjs/j2s/core/corejalview.js |
23-May-2019 13:07:51 | [echo] ......Generating site/swingjs/j2s/core/corejalview.z.js |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:2380: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if ((this.eventMask & 4096) != 0) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:8461: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] /*sync org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression*/((prev != null ) ? prev : this); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:8461: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] /*sync org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression*/((prev != null ) ? prev : this); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:8461: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] /*sync org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression*/((prev != null ) ? prev : this); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:19836: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] return false; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:22916: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] (($b$[0]=++groupingCount,groupingCount=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:22922: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] (($b$[0]=++groupingCount,groupingCount=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:22936: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] (($b$[0]=++this.minExponentDigits,this.minExponentDigits=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:23546: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (right=18; this.digits[right] == "0"; --right) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:52118: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (heavyParent != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:57024: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (false && !this.working ) p$1.updateSystemSelection.apply(this, []); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:57138: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (this.this$0.width == 0 || this.this$0.height == 0 ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:57139: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (this.this$0.component != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:60097: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (l != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:66896: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getprop' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (!jQuery.ui) try{ (function(e,t){function i(t,n){var r,i,o,u=t.nodeName.toLowerCase();return"area"===u?(r=t.parentNode,,!t.href||!i||r.nodeName.toLowerCase()!=="map"?!1:(o=e("img[usemap=#"+i+"]")[0],!!o&&s(o))):(/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(u)?!t.disabled:"a"===u?t.href||n:n)&&s(t)}function s(t){return e.expr.filters.visible(t)&&!e(t).parents().andSelf().filter(function(){return e.css(this,"visibility")==="hidden"}).length}var n=0,r=/^ui-id-\d+$/;e.ui=e.ui||{};if(e.ui.version)return;e.extend(e.ui,{version:"1.9.2",keyCode:{BACKSPACE:8,COMMA:188,DELETE:46,DOWN:40,END:35,ENTER:13,ESCAPE:27,HOME:36,LEFT:37,NUMPAD_ADD:107,NUMPAD_DECIMAL:110,NUMPAD_DIVIDE:111,NUMPAD_ENTER:108,NUMPAD_MULTIPLY:106,NUMPAD_SUBTRACT:109,PAGE_DOWN:34,PAGE_UP:33,PERIOD:190,RIGHT:39,SPACE:32,TAB:9,UP:38}}),e.fn.extend({_focus:e.fn.focus,focus:function(t,n){return typeof t=="number"?this.each(function(){var r=this;setTimeout(function(){e(r).focus(),n&&},t)}):this._focus.apply(this,arguments)},scrollParent:function(){var t;return|relative)/.test(this.css("position"))||/absolute/.test(this.css("position"))?t=this.parents().filter(function(){return/(relative|absolute|fixed)/.test(e.css(this,"position"))&&/(auto|scroll)/.test(e.css(this,"overflow")+e.css(this,"overflow-y")+e.css(this,"overflow-x"))}).eq(0):t=this.parents().filter(function(){return/(auto|scroll)/.test(e.css(this,"overflow")+e.css(this,"overflow-y")+e.css(this,"overflow-x"))}).eq(0),/fixed/.test(this.css("position"))||!t.length?e(document):t},zIndex:function(n){if(n!==t)return this.css("zIndex",n);if(this.length){var r=e(this[0]),i,s;while(r.length&&r[0]!==document){i=r.css("position");if(i==="absolute"||i==="relative"||i==="fixed"){s=parseInt(r.css("zIndex"),10);if(!isNaN(s)&&s!==0)return s}r=r.parent()}}return 0},uniqueId:function(){return this.each(function(){||("ui-id-"+ ++n)})},removeUniqueId:function(){return this.each(function(){r.test("id")})}}),e.extend(e.expr[":"],{data:e.expr.createPseudo?e.expr.createPseudo(function(t){return function(n){return!!,t)}}):function(t,n,r){return!!,r[3])},focusable:function(t){return i(t,!isNaN(e.attr(t,"tabindex")))},tabbable:function(t){var n=e.attr(t,"tabindex"),r=isNaN(n);return(r||n>=0)&&i(t,!r)}}),e(function(){var t=document.body,n=t.appendChild(n=document.createElement("div"));n.offsetHeight,e.extend(,{minHeight:"100px",height:"auto",padding:0,borderWidth:0}),,"onselectstart"in n,t.removeChild(n).style.display="none"}),e("<a>").outerWidth(1).jquery||e.each(["Width","Height"],function(n,r){function u(t,n,r,s){return e.each(i,function(){n-=parseFloat(e.css(t,"padding"+this))||0,r&&(n-=parseFloat(e.css(t,"border"+this+"Width"))||0),s&&(n-=parseFloat(e.css(t,"margin"+this))||0)}),n}var i=r==="Width"?["Left","Right"]:["Top","Bottom"],s=r.toLowerCase(),o={innerWidth:e.fn.innerWidth,innerHeight:e.fn.innerHeight,outerWidth:e.fn.outerWidth,outerHeight:e.fn.outerHeight};e.fn["inner"+r]=function(n){return n===t?o["inner"+r].call(this):this.each(function(){e(this).css(s,u(this,n)+"px")})},e.fn["outer"+r]=function(t,n){return typeof t!="number"?o["outer"+r].call(this,t):this.each(function(){e(this).css(s,u(this,t,!0,n)+"px")})}}),e("<a>").data("a-b","a").removeData("a-b").data("a-b")&&(e.fn.removeData=function(t){return function(n){return arguments.length?,e.camelCase(n))}}(e.fn.removeData)),function(){var t=/msie ([\w.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())||[];!0:!1,e.ui.ie6=parseFloat(t[1],10)===6}(),e.fn.extend({disableSelection:function(){return this.bind(("selectstart":"mousedown")+".ui-disableSelection",function(e){e.preventDefault()})},enableSelection:function(){return this.unbind(".ui-disableSelection")}}),e.extend(e.ui,{plugin:{add:function(t,n,r){var i,s=e.ui[t].prototype;for(i in r)s.plugins[i]=s.plugins[i]||[],s.plugins[i].push([n,r[i]])},call:function(e,t,n){var r,i=e.plugins[t];if(!i||!e.element[0].parentNode||e.element[0].parentNode.nodeType===11)return;for(r=0;r<i.length;r++)e.options[i[r][0]]&&i[r][1].apply(e.element,n)}},contains:e.contains,hasScroll:function(t,n){if(e(t).css("overflow")==="hidden")return!1;var r=n&&n==="left"?"scrollLeft":"scrollTop",i=!1;return t[r]>0?!0:(t[r]=1,i=t[r]>0,t[r]=0,i)},isOverAxis:function(e,t,n){return e>t&&e<t+n},isOver:function(t,n,r,i,s,o){return e.ui.isOverAxis(t,r,s)&&e.ui.isOverAxis(n,i,o)}}) })(jQuery); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:67351: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] return null; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:76522: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (false && this.isAWT && !this.jc.hasFocus$() ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:80448: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (mapFrom.getDatasetSequence$() != null && false ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:85624: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] } else { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:97126: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:97132: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:99122: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (this.v_client != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:110235: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (maxWidth > 60) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:118340: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (parmSet != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:118637: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (this.attemptversion1parse) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:128462: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] return null; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:129080: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:129086: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] }if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:129100: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:129104: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] }if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:131954: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (this.featureGroups == null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:131988: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (rdrw) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:133199: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (this.ap != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:139211: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if ((this.eventMask & 4096) != 0) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:144328: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] /*sync org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression*/((prev != null ) ? prev : this); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:144328: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] /*sync org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression*/((prev != null ) ? prev : this); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:144328: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] /*sync org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression*/((prev != null ) ? prev : this); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:163471: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] return false; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:169344: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (i=0; (b=p$1.getInt$I.apply(this, [i])) == 0; i++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:169680: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (keep=0; keep < vlen && val[keep] == 0 ; keep++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:169687: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (keep=0; keep < vlen && val[keep] == 0 ; keep++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:169747: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (keep=0; keep < a.length && a[keep] == -1 ; keep++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:169748: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (j=keep; j < a.length && a[j] == 0 ; j++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:169753: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=result.length - 1; ++result[i] == 0; i--) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:169778: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (i=mlen - 1; i >= 0 && this.mag[i] == 0 ; i--) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:174490: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] (($b$[0]=++groupingCount,groupingCount=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:174496: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] (($b$[0]=++groupingCount,groupingCount=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:174510: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] (($b$[0]=++this.minExponentDigits,this.minExponentDigits=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:175120: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (right=18; this.digits[right] == "0"; --right) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:177117: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (this.poll$() != null ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186080: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186082: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186103: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186134: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186231: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186232: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186323: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186325: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186346: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186377: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186474: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186475: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186560: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=left - 1; ++i <= right; count[a[i] - -32768]++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186562: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (count[--i] == 0); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186582: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186584: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186605: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186636: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186733: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186734: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186819: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=left - 1; ++i <= right; count[(a[i]).$c()]++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186821: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (count[--i] == 0); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186841: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186843: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186864: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186895: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186992: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:186993: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187078: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=left - 1; ++i <= right; count[a[i] - -128]++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187080: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (count[--i] == 0); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187142: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187144: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187165: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187196: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187293: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1 ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187294: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2 ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187419: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187421: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187442: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187473: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187570: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1 ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:187571: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2 ); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:188120: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (field == 5) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:200338: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (sm != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:200491: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] return this.e.submit$Runnable(task); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:204623: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if(string.indexOf('\\') < 0 && string.indexOf ('$')<0) ; // ')) |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:204625: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] var res= Clazz_new_(StringBuffer, [string.length*2]); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:214422: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] } else if (!this.opened) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:220043: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (heavyParent != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:224187: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (this.insideComponent == null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:235088: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] return null; |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:238909: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getprop' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (!jQuery.ui) try{ (function(e,t){function i(t,n){var r,i,o,u=t.nodeName.toLowerCase();return"area"===u?(r=t.parentNode,,!t.href||!i||r.nodeName.toLowerCase()!=="map"?!1:(o=e("img[usemap=#"+i+"]")[0],!!o&&s(o))):(/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(u)?!t.disabled:"a"===u?t.href||n:n)&&s(t)}function s(t){return e.expr.filters.visible(t)&&!e(t).parents().andSelf().filter(function(){return e.css(this,"visibility")==="hidden"}).length}var n=0,r=/^ui-id-\d+$/;e.ui=e.ui||{};if(e.ui.version)return;e.extend(e.ui,{version:"1.9.2",keyCode:{BACKSPACE:8,COMMA:188,DELETE:46,DOWN:40,END:35,ENTER:13,ESCAPE:27,HOME:36,LEFT:37,NUMPAD_ADD:107,NUMPAD_DECIMAL:110,NUMPAD_DIVIDE:111,NUMPAD_ENTER:108,NUMPAD_MULTIPLY:106,NUMPAD_SUBTRACT:109,PAGE_DOWN:34,PAGE_UP:33,PERIOD:190,RIGHT:39,SPACE:32,TAB:9,UP:38}}),e.fn.extend({_focus:e.fn.focus,focus:function(t,n){return typeof t=="number"?this.each(function(){var r=this;setTimeout(function(){e(r).focus(),n&&},t)}):this._focus.apply(this,arguments)},scrollParent:function(){var t;return|relative)/.test(this.css("position"))||/absolute/.test(this.css("position"))?t=this.parents().filter(function(){return/(relative|absolute|fixed)/.test(e.css(this,"position"))&&/(auto|scroll)/.test(e.css(this,"overflow")+e.css(this,"overflow-y")+e.css(this,"overflow-x"))}).eq(0):t=this.parents().filter(function(){return/(auto|scroll)/.test(e.css(this,"overflow")+e.css(this,"overflow-y")+e.css(this,"overflow-x"))}).eq(0),/fixed/.test(this.css("position"))||!t.length?e(document):t},zIndex:function(n){if(n!==t)return this.css("zIndex",n);if(this.length){var r=e(this[0]),i,s;while(r.length&&r[0]!==document){i=r.css("position");if(i==="absolute"||i==="relative"||i==="fixed"){s=parseInt(r.css("zIndex"),10);if(!isNaN(s)&&s!==0)return s}r=r.parent()}}return 0},uniqueId:function(){return this.each(function(){||("ui-id-"+ ++n)})},removeUniqueId:function(){return this.each(function(){r.test("id")})}}),e.extend(e.expr[":"],{data:e.expr.createPseudo?e.expr.createPseudo(function(t){return function(n){return!!,t)}}):function(t,n,r){return!!,r[3])},focusable:function(t){return i(t,!isNaN(e.attr(t,"tabindex")))},tabbable:function(t){var n=e.attr(t,"tabindex"),r=isNaN(n);return(r||n>=0)&&i(t,!r)}}),e(function(){var t=document.body,n=t.appendChild(n=document.createElement("div"));n.offsetHeight,e.extend(,{minHeight:"100px",height:"auto",padding:0,borderWidth:0}),,"onselectstart"in n,t.removeChild(n).style.display="none"}),e("<a>").outerWidth(1).jquery||e.each(["Width","Height"],function(n,r){function u(t,n,r,s){return e.each(i,function(){n-=parseFloat(e.css(t,"padding"+this))||0,r&&(n-=parseFloat(e.css(t,"border"+this+"Width"))||0),s&&(n-=parseFloat(e.css(t,"margin"+this))||0)}),n}var i=r==="Width"?["Left","Right"]:["Top","Bottom"],s=r.toLowerCase(),o={innerWidth:e.fn.innerWidth,innerHeight:e.fn.innerHeight,outerWidth:e.fn.outerWidth,outerHeight:e.fn.outerHeight};e.fn["inner"+r]=function(n){return n===t?o["inner"+r].call(this):this.each(function(){e(this).css(s,u(this,n)+"px")})},e.fn["outer"+r]=function(t,n){return typeof t!="number"?o["outer"+r].call(this,t):this.each(function(){e(this).css(s,u(this,t,!0,n)+"px")})}}),e("<a>").data("a-b","a").removeData("a-b").data("a-b")&&(e.fn.removeData=function(t){return function(n){return arguments.length?,e.camelCase(n))}}(e.fn.removeData)),function(){var t=/msie ([\w.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())||[];!0:!1,e.ui.ie6=parseFloat(t[1],10)===6}(),e.fn.extend({disableSelection:function(){return this.bind(("selectstart":"mousedown")+".ui-disableSelection",function(e){e.preventDefault()})},enableSelection:function(){return this.unbind(".ui-disableSelection")}}),e.extend(e.ui,{plugin:{add:function(t,n,r){var i,s=e.ui[t].prototype;for(i in r)s.plugins[i]=s.plugins[i]||[],s.plugins[i].push([n,r[i]])},call:function(e,t,n){var r,i=e.plugins[t];if(!i||!e.element[0].parentNode||e.element[0].parentNode.nodeType===11)return;for(r=0;r<i.length;r++)e.options[i[r][0]]&&i[r][1].apply(e.element,n)}},contains:e.contains,hasScroll:function(t,n){if(e(t).css("overflow")==="hidden")return!1;var r=n&&n==="left"?"scrollLeft":"scrollTop",i=!1;return t[r]>0?!0:(t[r]=1,i=t[r]>0,t[r]=0,i)},isOverAxis:function(e,t,n){return e>t&&e<t+n},isOver:function(t,n,r,i,s,o){return e.ui.isOverAxis(t,r,s)&&e.ui.isOverAxis(n,i,o)}}) })(jQuery); |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:244808: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] }} else if (prop == "ancestor") { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:244809: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] } else if ("title" == prop || prop == "closable" || prop == "iconable" || prop == "maximizable" ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] corejalview.js:252305: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] if (false && data.indexOf$S("<?") >= 0 ) { |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:08:17 | [java] 0 error(s), 105 warning(s) |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [delete] Deleting: /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site/swingjs/js/core/tmp.js |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | publish-core-template: |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [echo] ......Now copying site/jalview_bin_Jalview.html as ${$}_jalview.html with core:"jalview", added to the Info block. |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [copy] Copying 1 file to /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | CallToJs: |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | toJs: |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [echo] Building core file 'jvexamplefile' - warnings are OK; "does not exist" is trouble |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [echo] Reading core class list from file /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/classlists/jvexamplefile.txt |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | call-core: |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [echo] ......Creating corejvexamplefile.js |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [concat] /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site/swingjs/j2s/java/net/HttpsURLConnection.js does not exist. |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [concat] /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site/swingjs/j2s/swingjs/xml/JSXMLStreamReader.jscom/stevesoft/pat/Any.js does not exist. |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [concat] /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site/swingjs/j2s/swingjs/xml/JSXMLStreamReader.jscom/stevesoft/pat/Boundary.js does not exist. |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [echo] ......Generating site/swingjs/j2s/core/corejvexamplefile.js |
23-May-2019 13:08:18 | [echo] ......Generating site/swingjs/j2s/core/corejvexamplefile.z.js |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:2380: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if ((this.eventMask & 4096) != 0) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:8461: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] /*sync org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression*/((prev != null ) ? prev : this); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:8461: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] /*sync org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression*/((prev != null ) ? prev : this); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:8461: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] /*sync org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ConditionalExpression*/((prev != null ) ? prev : this); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:19836: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] return false; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:22916: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] (($b$[0]=++groupingCount,groupingCount=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:22922: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] (($b$[0]=++groupingCount,groupingCount=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:22936: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] (($b$[0]=++this.minExponentDigits,this.minExponentDigits=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:23546: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (right=18; this.digits[right] == "0"; --right) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:52118: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (heavyParent != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:57024: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false && !this.working ) p$1.updateSystemSelection.apply(this, []); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:57138: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.this$0.width == 0 || this.this$0.height == 0 ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:57139: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.this$0.component != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:60097: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (l != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:66896: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getprop' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (!jQuery.ui) try{ (function(e,t){function i(t,n){var r,i,o,u=t.nodeName.toLowerCase();return"area"===u?(r=t.parentNode,,!t.href||!i||r.nodeName.toLowerCase()!=="map"?!1:(o=e("img[usemap=#"+i+"]")[0],!!o&&s(o))):(/input|select|textarea|button|object/.test(u)?!t.disabled:"a"===u?t.href||n:n)&&s(t)}function s(t){return e.expr.filters.visible(t)&&!e(t).parents().andSelf().filter(function(){return e.css(this,"visibility")==="hidden"}).length}var n=0,r=/^ui-id-\d+$/;e.ui=e.ui||{};if(e.ui.version)return;e.extend(e.ui,{version:"1.9.2",keyCode:{BACKSPACE:8,COMMA:188,DELETE:46,DOWN:40,END:35,ENTER:13,ESCAPE:27,HOME:36,LEFT:37,NUMPAD_ADD:107,NUMPAD_DECIMAL:110,NUMPAD_DIVIDE:111,NUMPAD_ENTER:108,NUMPAD_MULTIPLY:106,NUMPAD_SUBTRACT:109,PAGE_DOWN:34,PAGE_UP:33,PERIOD:190,RIGHT:39,SPACE:32,TAB:9,UP:38}}),e.fn.extend({_focus:e.fn.focus,focus:function(t,n){return typeof t=="number"?this.each(function(){var r=this;setTimeout(function(){e(r).focus(),n&&},t)}):this._focus.apply(this,arguments)},scrollParent:function(){var t;return|relative)/.test(this.css("position"))||/absolute/.test(this.css("position"))?t=this.parents().filter(function(){return/(relative|absolute|fixed)/.test(e.css(this,"position"))&&/(auto|scroll)/.test(e.css(this,"overflow")+e.css(this,"overflow-y")+e.css(this,"overflow-x"))}).eq(0):t=this.parents().filter(function(){return/(auto|scroll)/.test(e.css(this,"overflow")+e.css(this,"overflow-y")+e.css(this,"overflow-x"))}).eq(0),/fixed/.test(this.css("position"))||!t.length?e(document):t},zIndex:function(n){if(n!==t)return this.css("zIndex",n);if(this.length){var r=e(this[0]),i,s;while(r.length&&r[0]!==document){i=r.css("position");if(i==="absolute"||i==="relative"||i==="fixed"){s=parseInt(r.css("zIndex"),10);if(!isNaN(s)&&s!==0)return s}r=r.parent()}}return 0},uniqueId:function(){return this.each(function(){||("ui-id-"+ ++n)})},removeUniqueId:function(){return this.each(function(){r.test("id")})}}),e.extend(e.expr[":"],{data:e.expr.createPseudo?e.expr.createPseudo(function(t){return function(n){return!!,t)}}):function(t,n,r){return!!,r[3])},focusable:function(t){return i(t,!isNaN(e.attr(t,"tabindex")))},tabbable:function(t){var n=e.attr(t,"tabindex"),r=isNaN(n);return(r||n>=0)&&i(t,!r)}}),e(function(){var t=document.body,n=t.appendChild(n=document.createElement("div"));n.offsetHeight,e.extend(,{minHeight:"100px",height:"auto",padding:0,borderWidth:0}),,"onselectstart"in n,t.removeChild(n).style.display="none"}),e("<a>").outerWidth(1).jquery||e.each(["Width","Height"],function(n,r){function u(t,n,r,s){return e.each(i,function(){n-=parseFloat(e.css(t,"padding"+this))||0,r&&(n-=parseFloat(e.css(t,"border"+this+"Width"))||0),s&&(n-=parseFloat(e.css(t,"margin"+this))||0)}),n}var i=r==="Width"?["Left","Right"]:["Top","Bottom"],s=r.toLowerCase(),o={innerWidth:e.fn.innerWidth,innerHeight:e.fn.innerHeight,outerWidth:e.fn.outerWidth,outerHeight:e.fn.outerHeight};e.fn["inner"+r]=function(n){return n===t?o["inner"+r].call(this):this.each(function(){e(this).css(s,u(this,n)+"px")})},e.fn["outer"+r]=function(t,n){return typeof t!="number"?o["outer"+r].call(this,t):this.each(function(){e(this).css(s,u(this,t,!0,n)+"px")})}}),e("<a>").data("a-b","a").removeData("a-b").data("a-b")&&(e.fn.removeData=function(t){return function(n){return arguments.length?,e.camelCase(n))}}(e.fn.removeData)),function(){var t=/msie ([\w.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())||[];!0:!1,e.ui.ie6=parseFloat(t[1],10)===6}(),e.fn.extend({disableSelection:function(){return this.bind(("selectstart":"mousedown")+".ui-disableSelection",function(e){e.preventDefault()})},enableSelection:function(){return this.unbind(".ui-disableSelection")}}),e.extend(e.ui,{plugin:{add:function(t,n,r){var i,s=e.ui[t].prototype;for(i in r)s.plugins[i]=s.plugins[i]||[],s.plugins[i].push([n,r[i]])},call:function(e,t,n){var r,i=e.plugins[t];if(!i||!e.element[0].parentNode||e.element[0].parentNode.nodeType===11)return;for(r=0;r<i.length;r++)e.options[i[r][0]]&&i[r][1].apply(e.element,n)}},contains:e.contains,hasScroll:function(t,n){if(e(t).css("overflow")==="hidden")return!1;var r=n&&n==="left"?"scrollLeft":"scrollTop",i=!1;return t[r]>0?!0:(t[r]=1,i=t[r]>0,t[r]=0,i)},isOverAxis:function(e,t,n){return e>t&&e<t+n},isOver:function(t,n,r,i,s,o){return e.ui.isOverAxis(t,r,s)&&e.ui.isOverAxis(n,i,o)}}) })(jQuery); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:67351: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] return null; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:76522: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false && this.isAWT && !this.jc.hasFocus$() ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:77640: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:79668: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:81813: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:84211: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false && this.thePattern == null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:89883: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (mapFrom.getDatasetSequence$() != null && false ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:95556: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] } else { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:104971: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:113797: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:113803: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:116794: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.v_client != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:131452: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] }if (list == null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:131455: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] }if (al == null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:136294: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (maxWidth > 60) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:146979: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (parmSet != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:147276: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.attemptversion1parse) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:158946: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] return null; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:159594: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:159600: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] }if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:159614: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:159618: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] }if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:162608: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.featureGroups == null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:162642: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (rdrw) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:163905: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.ap != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:163998: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.ap != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:164587: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (expectedCdsLength != cdspos) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:191751: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (i=0; (b=p$1.getInt$I.apply(this, [i])) == 0; i++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:192087: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (keep=0; keep < vlen && val[keep] == 0 ; keep++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:192094: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (keep=0; keep < vlen && val[keep] == 0 ; keep++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:192154: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (keep=0; keep < a.length && a[keep] == -1 ; keep++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:192155: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (j=keep; j < a.length && a[j] == 0 ; j++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:192160: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=result.length - 1; ++result[i] == 0; i--) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:192185: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (i=mlen - 1; i >= 0 && this.mag[i] == 0 ; i--) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:197872: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] (($b$[0]=++groupingCount,groupingCount=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:197878: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] (($b$[0]=++groupingCount,groupingCount=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:197892: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] (($b$[0]=++this.minExponentDigits,this.minExponentDigits=$b$[0],$b$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:198502: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (right=18; this.digits[right] == "0"; --right) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:199652: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (this.poll$() != null ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:201982: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:201984: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202005: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202036: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202133: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202134: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202225: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202227: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202248: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202279: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202376: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202377: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202462: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=left - 1; ++i <= right; count[a[i] - -32768]++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202464: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (count[--i] == 0); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202484: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202486: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202507: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202538: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202635: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202636: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202721: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=left - 1; ++i <= right; count[(a[i]).$c()]++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202723: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (count[--i] == 0); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202743: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202745: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202766: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202797: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202894: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202895: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202980: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=left - 1; ++i <= right; count[a[i] - -128]++) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:202982: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (count[--i] == 0); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203044: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203046: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203067: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203098: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203195: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1 ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203196: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2 ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203321: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] <= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203323: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (++k <= right && a[k - 1] >= a[k] ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203344: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var n=1; (n<<=1) < count; odd=($b$[0] = odd^(1), $b$[0])) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203375: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] for (var i=right, lo=run[count - 1]; --i >= lo; b[i + bo]=a[i + ao]) ; |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203472: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[++less] < pivot1 ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:203473: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (a[--great] > pivot2 ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:205378: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (field == 5) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:213263: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (sm != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:213416: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] return this.e.submit$Runnable(task); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:217600: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if(string.indexOf('\\') < 0 && string.indexOf ('$')<0) ; // ')) |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:217602: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] var res= Clazz_new_(StringBuffer, [string.length*2]); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:226695: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] } else if (!this.opened) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:232609: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.editorRemover == null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:235110: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (heavyParent != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:239017: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.insideComponent == null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:244841: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false && !this.working ) p$1.updateSystemSelection.apply(this, []); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:244955: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.this$0.width == 0 || this.this$0.height == 0 ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:244956: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (this.this$0.component != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:248197: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (iterator.getAttribute$java_text_AttributedCharacterIterator_Attribute(field) == null &&$() != "\uffff" ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:248219: WARNING - If this if/for/while really shouldnt have a body, use {} |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] while (iterator.getAttribute$java_text_AttributedCharacterIterator_Attribute(field) == null &&$() != "\uffff" ); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:249010: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (l != null ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:254596: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] }}if (false) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:259422: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] var os=System.getProperty$S(""); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:294249: WARNING - Suspicious code. The result of the 'getelem' operator is not being used. |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] (($s$[0]=++this.lineCurrent,this.lineCurrent=$s$[0],$s$[0])); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:334234: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] C$.strJavaVendor="Java2Script " + ((this, C$).isWebGL ? "(WebGL)" : "(HTML5)"); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:338776: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] $I$(11).currentThread$().wait$J(100); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:348157: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] }return (1,o.__CLASS_NAME__ ? o :C$.toMap$O(o)); |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:352362: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] }} else if (prop == "ancestor") { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:352363: WARNING - Suspicious code. This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug? |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] } else if ("title" == prop || prop == "closable" || prop == "iconable" || prop == "maximizable" ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:360873: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false && this.isAWT && !this.jc.hasFocus$() ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] corejvexamplefile.js:362966: WARNING - unreachable code |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] if (false && data.indexOf$S("<?") >= 0 ) { |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] ^ |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] |
23-May-2019 13:09:00 | [java] 0 error(s), 121 warning(s) |
23-May-2019 13:09:01 | [delete] Deleting: /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site/swingjs/js/core/tmp.js |
23-May-2019 13:09:01 | |
23-May-2019 13:09:01 | publish-core-template: |
23-May-2019 13:09:01 | [echo] ......Now copying site/jalview_bin_Jalview.html as ${$}_jvexamplefile.html with core:"jvexamplefile", added to the Info block. |
23-May-2019 13:09:01 | [copy] Copying 1 file to /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site |
23-May-2019 13:09:01 | |
23-May-2019 13:09:01 | build-site: |
23-May-2019 13:09:02 | [tar] Building tar: /srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1/site.tar.gz |
23-May-2019 13:09:05 | |
23-May-2019 13:09:05 | BUILD SUCCESSFUL |
23-May-2019 13:09:05 | Total time: 3 minutes 8 seconds |
23-May-2019 13:09:06 | Finished task 'run jalviewjs build' with result: Success |
23-May-2019 13:09:06 | Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
23-May-2019 13:09:06 | Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' |
23-May-2019 13:09:06 | Publishing an artifact: jalviewjs-site.tar.gz |
23-May-2019 13:09:06 | Finished publishing of artifact Shared artifact: [jalviewjs-site.tar.gz], pattern: [site.tar.gz] anchored at: [./] in 31.74 ms |
23-May-2019 13:09:06 | Publishing an artifact: jalviewjs |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Finished publishing of artifact Shared artifact: [jalviewjs], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [site/] in 900.6 ms |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running post build plugin 'Artifactory Release Management Staging' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running post build plugin 'Artifactory Build Info Copier' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running post build plugin 'Artifactory Gradle Properties Info Copier' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Successfully removed working directory at '/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/JB-JB4-JOB1' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Finalising the build... |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Stopping timer. |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Build JB-JB4-JOB1-1 completed. |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | All post build plugins have finished |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Generating build results summary... |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Saving build results to disk... |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Logging substituted variables... |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Indexing build results... |
23-May-2019 13:09:07 | Finished building JB-JB4-JOB1-1. |