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  1. Project Clover database Mon Sep 2 2024 17:57:51 BST
  2. Package jalview.datamodel



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SequenceI 41 0 0
-1.0 -

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1    /*
2    * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
3    * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
4    *
5    * This file is part of Jalview.
6    *
7    * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
8    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9    * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
10    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11    *
12    * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13    * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
15    * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
16    *
17    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18    * along with Jalview. If not, see <>.
19    * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
20    */
21    package jalview.datamodel;
23    import java.util.BitSet;
24    import java.util.Iterator;
25    import java.util.List;
26    import java.util.Vector;
28    import fr.orsay.lri.varna.models.rna.RNA;
29    import jalview.datamodel.Sequence.DBModList;
30    import jalview.datamodel.features.SequenceFeaturesI;
31    import jalview.util.MapList;
32    import;
34    /**
35    * Methods for manipulating a sequence, its metadata and related annotation in
36    * an alignment or dataset.
37    *
38    * @author $author$
39    * @version $Revision$
40    */
41    public interface SequenceI extends ASequenceI, ContactMapHolderI
42    {
43    /**
44    * Set the display name for the sequence
45    *
46    * @param name
47    */
48    public void setName(String name);
50    /**
51    * Get the display name
52    */
53    public String getName();
55    /**
56    * Set start position of first non-gapped symbol in sequence
57    *
58    * @param start
59    * new start position
60    */
61    public void setStart(int start);
63    /**
64    * get start position of first non-gapped residue in sequence
65    *
66    * @return
67    */
68    public int getStart();
70    /**
71    * get the displayed id of the sequence
72    *
73    * @return true means the id will be returned in the form
74    * DisplayName/Start-End
75    */
76    public String getDisplayId(boolean jvsuffix);
78    /**
79    * set end position for last residue in sequence
80    *
81    * @param end
82    */
83    public void setEnd(int end);
85    /**
86    * get end position for last residue in sequence getEnd()>getStart() unless
87    * sequence only consists of gap characters
88    *
89    * @return
90    */
91    public int getEnd();
93    /**
94    * @return length of sequence including gaps
95    *
96    */
97    public int getLength();
99    /**
100    * Replace the sequence with the given string
101    *
102    * @param sequence
103    * new sequence string
104    */
105    public void setSequence(String sequence);
107    /**
108    * @return sequence as string
109    */
110    public String getSequenceAsString();
112    /**
113    * get a range on the sequence as a string
114    *
115    * @param start
116    * (inclusive) position relative to start of sequence including gaps
117    * (from 0)
118    * @param end
119    * (exclusive) position relative to start of sequence including gaps
120    * (from 0)
121    *
122    * @return String containing all gap and symbols in specified range
123    */
124    public String getSequenceAsString(int start, int end);
126    /**
127    * Answers a copy of the sequence as a character array
128    *
129    * @return
130    */
131    public char[] getSequence();
133    /**
134    * get stretch of sequence characters in an array
135    *
136    * @param start
137    * absolute index into getSequence()
138    * @param end
139    * exclusive index of last position in segment to be returned.
140    *
141    * @return char[max(0,end-start)];
142    */
143    public char[] getSequence(int start, int end);
145    /**
146    * create a new sequence object with a subsequence of this one but sharing the
147    * same dataset sequence
148    *
149    * @param start
150    * int index for start position (base 0, inclusive)
151    * @param end
152    * int index for end position (base 0, exclusive)
153    *
154    * @return SequenceI
155    * @note implementations may use getSequence to get the sequence data
156    */
157    public SequenceI getSubSequence(int start, int end);
159    /**
160    * get the i'th character in this sequence's local reference frame (ie from
161    * 0-number of characters lying from start-end)
162    *
163    * @param i
164    * index
165    * @return character or ' '
166    */
167    public char getCharAt(int i);
169    /**
170    * DOCUMENT ME!
171    *
172    * @param desc
173    * DOCUMENT ME!
174    */
175    public void setDescription(String desc);
177    /**
178    * DOCUMENT ME!
179    *
180    * @return DOCUMENT ME!
181    */
182    public String getDescription();
184    /**
185    * Return the alignment column (from 1..) for a sequence position
186    *
187    * @param pos
188    * lying from start to end
189    *
190    * @return aligned column for residue (0 if residue is upstream from
191    * alignment, -1 if residue is downstream from alignment) note.
192    * Sequence object returns sequence.getEnd() for positions upstream
193    * currently. TODO: change sequence for
194    * assert(findIndex(seq.getEnd()+1)==-1) and fix incremental bugs
195    *
196    */
197    public int findIndex(int pos);
199    /**
200    * Returns the sequence position for an alignment (column) position. If at a
201    * gap, returns the position of the next residue to the right. If beyond the
202    * end of the sequence, returns 1 more than the last residue position.
203    *
204    * @param i
205    * column index in alignment (from 0..<length)
206    *
207    * @return
208    */
209    public int findPosition(int i);
211    /**
212    * Returns the sequence positions for first and last residues lying within the
213    * given column positions [fromColum,toColumn] (where columns are numbered
214    * from 1), or null if no residues are included in the range
215    *
216    * @param fromColum
217    * - first column base 1
218    * @param toColumn
219    * - last column, base 1
220    * @return
221    */
222    public ContiguousI findPositions(int fromColum, int toColumn);
224    /**
225    * Returns an int array where indices correspond to each residue in the
226    * sequence and the element value gives its position in the alignment
227    *
228    * @return int[SequenceI.getEnd()-SequenceI.getStart()+1] or null if no
229    * residues in SequenceI object
230    */
231    public int[] gapMap();
233    /**
234    * Build a bitset corresponding to sequence gaps
235    *
236    * @return a BitSet where set values correspond to gaps in the sequence
237    */
238    public BitSet gapBitset();
240    /**
241    * Returns an int array where indices correspond to each position in sequence
242    * char array and the element value gives the result of findPosition for that
243    * index in the sequence.
244    *
245    * @return int[SequenceI.getLength()]
246    */
247    public int[] findPositionMap();
249    /**
250    * Answers true if the sequence is composed of amino acid characters. Note
251    * that implementations may use heuristic methods which are not guaranteed to
252    * give the biologically 'right' answer.
253    *
254    * @return
255    */
256    public boolean isProtein();
258    /**
259    * Delete a range of aligned sequence columns, creating a new dataset sequence
260    * if necessary and adjusting start and end positions accordingly.
261    *
262    * @param i
263    * first column in range to delete (inclusive)
264    * @param j
265    * last column in range to delete (exclusive)
266    */
267    public void deleteChars(int i, int j);
269    /**
270    * DOCUMENT ME!
271    *
272    * @param i
273    * alignment column number
274    * @param c
275    * character to insert
276    */
277    public void insertCharAt(int i, char c);
279    /**
280    * insert given character at alignment column position
281    *
282    * @param position
283    * alignment column number
284    * @param count
285    * length of insert
286    * @param ch
287    * character to insert
288    */
289    public void insertCharAt(int position, int count, char ch);
291    /**
292    * Answers a list of all sequence features associated with this sequence. The
293    * list may be held by the sequence's dataset sequence if that is defined.
294    *
295    * @return
296    */
297    public List<SequenceFeature> getSequenceFeatures();
299    /**
300    * Answers the object holding features for the sequence
301    *
302    * @return
303    */
304    SequenceFeaturesI getFeatures();
306    /**
307    * Replaces the sequence features associated with this sequence with the given
308    * features. If this sequence has a dataset sequence, then this method will
309    * update the dataset sequence's features instead.
310    *
311    * @param features
312    */
313    public void setSequenceFeatures(List<SequenceFeature> features);
315    /**
316    * DOCUMENT ME!
317    *
318    * @param id
319    * DOCUMENT ME!
320    */
321    public void setPDBId(Vector<PDBEntry> ids);
323    /**
324    * Returns a list
325    *
326    * @return DOCUMENT ME!
327    */
328    public Vector<PDBEntry> getAllPDBEntries();
330    /**
331    * Adds the entry to the *normalised* list of PDBIds.
332    *
333    * If a PDBEntry is passed with the same entry.getID() string as one already
334    * in the list, or one is added that appears to be the same but has a chain ID
335    * appended, then the existing PDBEntry will be updated with the new
336    * attributes instead, unless the entries have distinct chain codes or
337    * associated structure files.
338    *
339    * @param entry
340    * @return true if the entry was added, false if updated
341    */
342    public boolean addPDBId(PDBEntry entry);
344    /**
345    * update the list of PDBEntrys to include any DBRefEntrys citing structural
346    * databases
347    *
348    * @return true if PDBEntry list was modified
349    */
350    public boolean updatePDBIds();
352    public String getVamsasId();
354    public void setVamsasId(String id);
356    /**
357    * set the array of Database references for the sequence.
358    *
359    * BH 2019.02.04 changes param to DBModlist
360    *
361    * @param dbs
362    * @deprecated - use is discouraged since side-effects may occur if DBRefEntry
363    * set are not normalised.
364    * @throws InvalidArgumentException
365    * if the is not one created by Sequence itself
366    */
367    @Deprecated
368    public void setDBRefs(DBModList<DBRefEntry> dbs);
370    public DBModList<DBRefEntry> getDBRefs();
372    /**
373    * add the given entry to the list of DBRefs for this sequence, or replace a
374    * similar one if entry contains a map object and the existing one doesnt.
375    *
376    * @param entry
377    */
378    public void addDBRef(DBRefEntry entry);
380    /**
381    * Adds the given sequence feature and returns true, or returns false if it is
382    * already present on the sequence, or if the feature type is null.
383    *
384    * @param sf
385    * @return
386    */
387    public boolean addSequenceFeature(SequenceFeature sf);
389    public void deleteFeature(SequenceFeature sf);
391    public void setDatasetSequence(SequenceI seq);
393    public SequenceI getDatasetSequence();
395    /**
396    * Returns a new array containing this sequence's annotations, or null.
397    */
398    public AlignmentAnnotation[] getAnnotation();
400    /**
401    * Returns true if this sequence has the given annotation (by object
402    * identity).
403    */
404    public boolean hasAnnotation(AlignmentAnnotation ann);
406    /**
407    * Add the given annotation, if not already added, and set its sequence ref to
408    * be this sequence. Does nothing if this sequence's annotations already
409    * include this annotation (by identical object reference).
410    */
411    public void addAlignmentAnnotation(AlignmentAnnotation annotation);
413    public void removeAlignmentAnnotation(AlignmentAnnotation annotation);
415    /**
416    * Derive a sequence (using this one's dataset or as the dataset)
417    *
418    * @return duplicate sequence and any annotation present with valid dataset
419    * sequence
420    */
421    public SequenceI deriveSequence();
423    /**
424    * set the array of associated AlignmentAnnotation for this sequenceI
425    *
426    * @param revealed
427    */
428    public void setAlignmentAnnotation(AlignmentAnnotation[] annotation);
430    /**
431    * Get one or more alignment annotations with a particular label.
432    *
433    * @param label
434    * string which each returned annotation must have as a label.
435    * @return null or array of annotations.
436    */
437    public AlignmentAnnotation[] getAnnotation(String label);
439    /**
440    * Returns a (possibly empty) list of any annotations that match on given
441    * calcId (source) and label (type). Null values do not match.
442    *
443    * @param calcId
444    * @param label
445    */
446    public List<AlignmentAnnotation> getAlignmentAnnotations(String calcId,
447    String label);
449    /**
450    * Returns a (possibly empty) list of any annotations that match on given
451    * calcId (source), label (type) and description (observation instance). Null
452    * values do not match.
453    *
454    * @param calcId
455    * @param label
456    * @param description
457    */
458    public List<AlignmentAnnotation> getAlignmentAnnotations(String calcId,
459    String label, String description);
461    /**
462    * create a new dataset sequence (if necessary) for this sequence and sets
463    * this sequence to refer to it. This call will move any features or
464    * references on the sequence onto the dataset. It will also make a duplicate
465    * of existing annotation rows for the dataset sequence, rather than relocate
466    * them in order to preserve external references (since 2.8.2).
467    *
468    * @return dataset sequence for this sequence
469    */
470    public SequenceI createDatasetSequence();
472    /**
473    * Transfer any database references or annotation from entry under a sequence
474    * mapping. <br/>
475    * <strong>Note: DOES NOT transfer sequence associated alignment annotation
476    * </strong><br/>
477    *
478    * @param entry
479    * @param mp
480    * null or mapping from entry's numbering to local start/end
481    */
482    public void transferAnnotation(SequenceI entry, Mapping mp);
484    /**
485    * @return The RNA of the sequence in the alignment
486    */
488    public RNA getRNA();
490    /**
491    * @param rna
492    * The RNA.
493    */
494    public void setRNA(RNA rna);
496    /**
497    *
498    * @return list of insertions (gap characters) in sequence
499    */
500    public List<int[]> getInsertions();
502    /**
503    * Given a pdbId String, return the equivalent PDBEntry if available in the
504    * given sequence
505    *
506    * @param pdbId
507    * @return
508    */
509    public PDBEntry getPDBEntry(String pdbId);
511    /**
512    * Get all primary database/accessions for this sequence's data. These
513    * DBRefEntry are expected to resolve to a valid record in the associated
514    * external database, either directly or via a provided 1:1 Mapping.
515    *
516    * @return just the primary references (if any) for this sequence, or an empty
517    * list
518    */
519    public List<DBRefEntry> getPrimaryDBRefs();
521    /**
522    * Returns a (possibly empty) list of sequence features that overlap the given
523    * alignment column range, optionally restricted to one or more specified
524    * feature types. If the range is all gaps, then features which enclose it are
525    * included (but not contact features).
526    *
527    * @param fromCol
528    * start column of range inclusive (1..)
529    * @param toCol
530    * end column of range inclusive (1..)
531    * @param types
532    * optional feature types to restrict results to
533    * @return
534    */
535    List<SequenceFeature> findFeatures(int fromCol, int toCol,
536    String... types);
538    /**
539    * Method to call to indicate that the sequence (characters or alignment/gaps)
540    * has been modified. Provided to allow any cursors on residue/column
541    * positions to be invalidated.
542    */
543    void sequenceChanged();
545    /**
546    *
547    * @return BitSet corresponding to index [0,length) where Comparison.isGap()
548    * returns true.
549    */
550    BitSet getInsertionsAsBits();
552    /**
553    * Replaces every occurrence of c1 in the sequence with c2 and returns the
554    * number of characters changed
555    *
556    * @param c1
557    * @param c2
558    */
559    public int replace(char c1, char c2);
561    /**
562    * Answers the GeneLociI, or null if not known
563    *
564    * @return
565    */
566    GeneLociI getGeneLoci();
568    /**
569    * Sets the mapping to gene loci for the sequence
570    *
571    * @param speciesId
572    * @param assemblyId
573    * @param chromosomeId
574    * @param map
575    */
576    void setGeneLoci(String speciesId, String assemblyId, String chromosomeId,
577    MapList map);
579    /**
580    * Returns the sequence string constructed from the substrings of a sequence
581    * defined by the int[] ranges provided by an iterator. E.g. the iterator
582    * could iterate over all visible regions of the alignment
583    *
584    * @param it
585    * the iterator to use
586    * @return a String corresponding to the sequence
587    */
588    public String getSequenceStringFromIterator(Iterator<int[]> it);
590    /**
591    * Locate the first position in this sequence which is not contained in an
592    * iterator region. If no such position exists, return 0
593    *
594    * @param it
595    * iterator over regions
596    * @return first residue not contained in regions
597    */
598    public int firstResidueOutsideIterator(Iterator<int[]> it);
600    public void addContactListFor(AlignmentAnnotation annotation,
601    ContactMatrixI cm);
603    }