Getdown DEVELOP Launchers


JIRA Issues

This page lists the JIRA issues that have been linked to builds related to this plan, ordered by last built. This includes issues specified in commit messages, labels or comments for builds, as well as issues manually linked to builds.

JIRA Issues (27 issues)
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions Related Builds Last Built
Task JAL-1551 Standard source code formatting and editing settings In Progress Mungo Carstairs 5 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Task JAL-3018 Check Ensembl REST change log, update version number Open James Procter 9 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Task JAL-3064 Hookup Jalview-JS clipboard to the browser clipboard Open Unassigned 9 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Improvement JAL-3393 DMG opened Finder window improvements Reopened Ben Soares 2.11.1, 6 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
New Feature JAL-3631 Allow jalview auto-updates to download to and work from separate user-space directory Closed Ben Soares 8 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Bug JAL-4100 ncRNA and genes without product attributes are not imported from Genbank and EMBL format files Open Unassigned 7 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Improvement JAL-4111 Allow gradle build to create suffixed DEVELOP-... builds with channel appbase Closed Ben Soares, 2.12.0 10 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
New Feature JAL-4159 PaSiMap inclusion Closed Thomas Morell 12 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Bug JAL-4328 Some ensembl queries may not work reliably in, Closed Ben Soares 5 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
New Feature JAL-4386 Calculate tree using secondary structure annotation In Progress James Procter, 9 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Bug JAL-4398 The rendering of the text "Window" for the Window menu item is different to the other menus Closed Ben Soares 7 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Task JAL-4418 Jalview release Being documented James Procter 38 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Improvement JAL-4420 Jalview could recognise .features, .annotations and .newick files belonging to an alignment file when all dragged-and-dropped onto it In Progress Ben Soares, 9 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Bug JAL-4421 Release installer DMG does not display the background image Ready for testing Ben Soares 2.11.4, 2.12 8 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Bug JAL-4427 Annotation labels from protein disorder services include html tags from description Closed Renia Correya 10 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Improvement JAL-4428 integrate OSX codesigning scripts in jalview's repository Closed Ben Soares 7 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
New Feature JAL-4435 Label sequence groups and tree internal nodes with diversity information In Progress Renia Correya 3 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
New Feature JAL-4436 Colour by secondary structure conservation In Progress Renia Correya 5 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Bug JAL-4444 Windows jalview_x copies of command line BAT and PS1 launcher and update scripts are not updated through getdown Closed Ben Soares 2 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Improvement JAL-4446 display eta for PaSiMap and allow it to be cancelled Closed James Procter 8 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Improvement JAL-4447 Improved reporting of analysis parameters in PCA, Pairwise alignment and others Closed James Procter 6 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Bug JAL-4449 Ensembl sequence retrieval broken in Closed Ben Soares 9 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Bug JAL-4450 Sequence letter aspect ratio not set correctly when aspect ratio is very narrow after middle-mouse drag Open James Procter 9 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Improvement JAL-4451 better handling of annotation rows with html descriptions but the same label Closed Renia Correya 5 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
Bug JAL-4454 "Getdown DEVELOP Channel" linkCheck fails if there's a link to whatsNew#experimental or releaseHistory from other help pages Closed James Procter 8 related builds Last built: 5 days ago
  • Showing 1-25 of 27