Build #9

Build: #9 was successful Child of JB-GDB580-26

JIRA issues

This page shows the JIRA issues that have been linked to this build. This includes issues specified in commit messages, labels or comments, as well as issues manually linked to this build.

Related issues (24 issues)
Type Key Summary Status Assignee Fix versions Related Builds Operations
New Feature JAL-789 allow the alignment parameters and score matrix to be set for a pairwise sequence alignment Open James Procter 2.12.0 10 related builds
Task JAL-3063 Migrate from Castor to JAXB to enable Jalview project import/export in Jalview-js Reopened Mungo Carstairs 2.11.0 2 related builds
Task JAL-3196 Gradle build with install4j launchers Closed Ben Soares 2.11.0 2 related builds
Improvement JAL-3384 Redirect stdout and stderr to file when launched from getdown Ready for testing Ben Soares 2 related builds
New Feature JAL-3631 Allow jalview auto-updates to download to and work from separate user-space directory Closed Ben Soares 8 related builds
Improvement JAL-3830 Add a command-line wrapper script to macOS bundle, linux and Windows installations (bash, powershell and .bat wrappers) Closed Ben Soares 2.11.2,,, 2 related builds
New Feature JAL-3845 Add error message when launched directly from Jalview Installer DMG volume Ready for testing Ben Soares 2 related builds
New Feature JAL-3987 Consensus secondary structure annotation rows for sequences with multiple sources of structural data In Progress Renia Correya 2 related builds
Unknown Issue Type JAL-4072 Could not obtain issue details from JIRA
Bug JAL-4104 Application ownership Closed Ben Soares 4 related builds
New Feature JAL-4159 PaSiMap inclusion Closed Thomas Morell 12 related builds
New Feature JAL-4160 New command line argument framework Closed Ben Soares 2 related builds
New Feature JAL-4257 allow adjustment of gap opening and extension for built in nw alignment Closed James Procter 2 related builds
Improvement JAL-4358 Getdown splash screen should disappear as soon as the Jalview Desktop is created/visible Ready for testing Ben Soares 2.11.3_js 2 related builds
New Feature JAL-4386 Calculate tree using secondary structure annotation In Progress James Procter, 9 related builds
New Feature JAL-4392 Consensus secondary structure visualization for alignments Closed Renia Correya 6 related builds
Improvement JAL-4409 Implement in Jalview (and getdown for JVL) the use of specific scheme names for different channels (e.g. jalviewd://) Reopened Ben Soares 2 related builds
Task JAL-4411 Record source metadata in derived/transferred annotation rows In Progress Renia Correya, 2 related builds
Bug JAL-4414 HTTP errors are often interpreted to the user as a file format error - and FileNotFound errors are not propagated from Web or Local file import In Progress Unassigned, 10 related builds
Bug JAL-4417 jalview.bin.CommandsTest.headlessOrGuiImageOutputTest produces different images for --gui and --headless when using certain .jalview_properties Closed Ben Soares 1 related build
Task JAL-4418 Jalview release Being documented James Procter 38 related builds
Improvement JAL-4420 Jalview could recognise .features, .annotations and .newick files belonging to an alignment file when all dragged-and-dropped onto it In Progress Ben Soares, 9 related builds
Bug JAL-4421 Release installer DMG does not display the background image Ready for testing Ben Soares 2.11.4, 2.12 8 related builds
Improvement JAL-4441 optionally display source/provider for structure derived annotations along side the annotation label Being documented James Procter 2 related builds