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  1. Project Clover database Thu Nov 28 2024 18:06:40 GMT
  2. Package jalview.analysis



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63% of files have more coverage

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Class Line # Actions
ccAnalysis 58 307 76
ccAnalysis.TrustRegion 637 6 4

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Source view

1    /*
2    * Jalview - A Sequence Alignment Editor and Viewer ($$Version-Rel$$)
3    * Copyright (C) $$Year-Rel$$ The Jalview Authors
4    *
5    * This file is part of Jalview.
6    *
7    * Jalview is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
8    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9    * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
10    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11    *
12    * Jalview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13    * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
15    * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
16    *
17    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18    * along with Jalview. If not, see <>.
19    * The Jalview Authors are detailed in the 'AUTHORS' file.
20    */
22    /*
23    * Copyright 2018-2022 Kathy Su, Kay Diederichs
24    *
25    * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
26    *
27    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
28    *
29    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.
30    */
32    /**
33    * Ported from by
34    * @AUTHOR MorellThomas
35    */
37    package jalview.analysis;
39    import jalview.bin.Console;
40    import jalview.math.MatrixI;
41    import jalview.math.Matrix;
42    import jalview.math.MiscMath;
44    import java.lang.Math;
45    import java.lang.System;
46    import java.util.Arrays;
47    import java.util.ArrayList;
48    import java.util.Comparator;
49    import java.util.Map.Entry;
50    import java.util.TreeMap;
52    import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
53    import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularValueDecomposition;
55    /**
56    * A class to model rectangular matrices of double values and operations on them
57    */
58    public class ccAnalysis
59    {
60    private byte dim = 0; // dimensions
62    private MatrixI scoresOld; // input scores
64  0 toggle public ccAnalysis(MatrixI scores, byte dim)
65    {
66    // round matrix to .4f to be same as in pasimap
67  0 for (int i = 0; i < scores.height(); i++)
68    {
69  0 for (int j = 0; j < scores.width(); j++)
70    {
71  0 if (!Double.isNaN(scores.getValue(i, j)))
72    {
73  0 scores.setValue(i, j,
74    (double) Math.round(scores.getValue(i, j) * (int) 10000)
75    / 10000);
76    }
77    }
78    }
79  0 this.scoresOld = scores;
80  0 this.dim = dim;
81    }
83    /**
84    * Initialise a distrust-score for each hypothesis (h) of hSigns distrust =
85    * conHypNum - proHypNum
86    *
87    * @param hSigns
88    * ~ hypothesis signs (+/-) for each sequence
89    * @param scores
90    * ~ input score matrix
91    *
92    * @return distrustScores
93    */
94  0 toggle private int[] initialiseDistrusts(byte[] hSigns, MatrixI scores)
95    {
96  0 int[] distrustScores = new int[scores.width()];
98    // loop over symmetric matrix
99  0 for (int i = 0; i < scores.width(); i++)
100    {
101  0 byte hASign = hSigns[i];
102  0 int conHypNum = 0;
103  0 int proHypNum = 0;
105  0 for (int j = 0; j < scores.width(); j++)
106    {
107  0 double cell = scores.getRow(i)[j]; // value at [i][j] in scores
108  0 byte hBSign = hSigns[j];
109  0 if (!Double.isNaN(cell))
110    {
111  0 byte cellSign = (byte) Math.signum(cell); // check if sign of matrix
112    // value fits hyptohesis
113  0 if (cellSign == hASign * hBSign)
114    {
115  0 proHypNum++;
116    }
117    else
118    {
119  0 conHypNum++;
120    }
121    }
122    }
123  0 distrustScores[i] = conHypNum - proHypNum; // create distrust score for
124    // each sequence
125    }
126  0 return distrustScores;
127    }
129    /**
130    * Optimise hypothesis concerning the sign of the hypothetical value for each
131    * hSigns by interpreting the pairwise correlation coefficients as scalar
132    * products
133    *
134    * @param hSigns
135    * ~ hypothesis signs (+/-)
136    * @param distrustScores
137    * @param scores
138    * ~ input score matrix
139    *
140    * @return hSigns
141    */
142  0 toggle private byte[] optimiseHypothesis(byte[] hSigns, int[] distrustScores,
143    MatrixI scores)
144    {
145    // get maximum distrust score
146  0 int[] maxes = MiscMath.findMax(distrustScores);
147  0 int maxDistrustIndex = maxes[0];
148  0 int maxDistrust = maxes[1];
150    // if hypothesis is not optimal yet
151  0 if (maxDistrust > 0)
152    {
153    // toggle sign for hI with maximum distrust
154  0 hSigns[maxDistrustIndex] *= -1;
155    // update distrust at same position
156  0 distrustScores[maxDistrustIndex] *= -1;
158    // also update distrust scores for all hI that were not changed
159  0 byte hASign = hSigns[maxDistrustIndex];
160  0 for (int NOTmaxDistrustIndex = 0; NOTmaxDistrustIndex < distrustScores.length; NOTmaxDistrustIndex++)
161    {
162  0 if (NOTmaxDistrustIndex != maxDistrustIndex)
163    {
164  0 byte hBSign = hSigns[NOTmaxDistrustIndex];
165  0 double cell = scores.getValue(maxDistrustIndex,
166    NOTmaxDistrustIndex);
168    // distrust only changed if not NaN
169  0 if (!Double.isNaN(cell))
170    {
171  0 byte cellSign = (byte) Math.signum(cell);
172    // if sign of cell matches hypothesis decrease distrust by 2 because
173    // 1 more value supporting and 1 less contradicting
174    // else increase by 2
175  0 if (cellSign == hASign * hBSign)
176    {
177  0 distrustScores[NOTmaxDistrustIndex] -= 2;
178    }
179    else
180    {
181  0 distrustScores[NOTmaxDistrustIndex] += 2;
182    }
183    }
184    }
185    }
186    // further optimisation necessary
187  0 return optimiseHypothesis(hSigns, distrustScores, scores);
189    }
190    else
191    {
192  0 return hSigns;
193    }
194    }
196    /**
197    * takes the a symmetric MatrixI as input scores which may contain Double.NaN
198    * approximate the missing values using hypothesis optimisation
199    *
200    * runs analysis
201    *
202    * @param scores
203    * ~ score matrix
204    *
205    * @return
206    */
207  0 toggle public MatrixI run() throws Exception
208    {
209    // initialse eigenMatrix and repMatrix
210  0 MatrixI eigenMatrix = scoresOld.copy();
211  0 MatrixI repMatrix = scoresOld.copy();
212  0 try
213    {
214    /*
215    * Calculate correction factor for 2nd and higher eigenvalue(s).
216    * This correction is NOT needed for the 1st eigenvalue, because the
217    * unknown (=NaN) values of the matrix are approximated by presuming
218    * 1-dimensional vectors as the basis of the matrix interpretation as dot
219    * products.
220    */
222  0 System.out.println("Input correlation matrix:");
223  0 eigenMatrix.print(System.out, "%1.4f ");
225  0 int matrixWidth = eigenMatrix.width(); // square matrix, so width ==
226    // height
227  0 int matrixElementsTotal = (int) Math.pow(matrixWidth, 2); // total number
228    // of elemts
230  0 float correctionFactor = (float) (matrixElementsTotal
231    - eigenMatrix.countNaN()) / (float) matrixElementsTotal;
233    /*
234    * Calculate hypothetical value (1-dimensional vector) h_i for each
235    * dataset by interpreting the given correlation coefficients as scalar
236    * products.
237    */
239    /*
240    * Memory for current hypothesis concerning sign of each h_i.
241    * List of signs for all h_i in the encoding:
242    * * 1: positive
243    * * 0: zero
244    * * -1: negative
245    * Initial hypothesis: all signs are positive.
246    */
247  0 byte[] hSigns = new byte[matrixWidth];
248  0 Arrays.fill(hSigns, (byte) 1);
250    // Estimate signs for each h_i by refining hypothesis on signs.
251  0 hSigns = optimiseHypothesis(hSigns,
252    initialiseDistrusts(hSigns, eigenMatrix), eigenMatrix);
254    // Estimate absolute values for each h_i by determining sqrt of mean of
255    // non-NaN absolute values for every row.
256  0 double[] hAbs = MiscMath.sqrt(eigenMatrix.absolute().meanRow());
258    // Combine estimated signs with absolute values in obtain total value for
259    // each h_i.
260  0 double[] hValues = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(hSigns, hAbs);
262    /*Complement symmetric matrix by using the scalar products of estimated
263    *values of h_i to replace NaN-cells.
264    *Matrix positions that have estimated values
265    *(only for diagonal and upper off-diagonal values, due to the symmetry
266    *the positions of the lower-diagonal values can be inferred).
267    List of tuples (row_idx, column_idx).*/
269  0 ArrayList<int[]> estimatedPositions = new ArrayList<int[]>();
271    // for off-diagonal cells
272  0 for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < matrixWidth - 1; rowIndex++)
273    {
274  0 for (int columnIndex = rowIndex
275  0 + 1; columnIndex < matrixWidth; columnIndex++)
276    {
277  0 double cell = eigenMatrix.getValue(rowIndex, columnIndex);
278  0 if (Double.isNaN(cell))
279    {
280    // calculate scalar product as new cell value
281  0 cell = hValues[rowIndex] * hValues[columnIndex];
282    // fill in new value in cell and symmetric partner
283  0 eigenMatrix.setValue(rowIndex, columnIndex, cell);
284  0 eigenMatrix.setValue(columnIndex, rowIndex, cell);
285    // save positions of estimated values
286  0 estimatedPositions.add(new int[] { rowIndex, columnIndex });
287    }
288    }
289    }
291    // for diagonal cells
292  0 for (int diagonalIndex = 0; diagonalIndex < matrixWidth; diagonalIndex++)
293    {
294  0 double cell = Math.pow(hValues[diagonalIndex], 2);
295  0 eigenMatrix.setValue(diagonalIndex, diagonalIndex, cell);
296  0 estimatedPositions.add(new int[] { diagonalIndex, diagonalIndex });
297    }
299    /*Refine total values of each h_i:
300    *Initialise h_values of the hypothetical non-existant previous iteration
301    *with the correct format but with impossible values.
302    Needed for exit condition of otherwise endless loop.*/
303  0 System.out.print("initial values: [ ");
304  0 for (double h : hValues)
305    {
306  0 System.out.print(String.format("%1.4f, ", h));
307    }
308  0 System.out.println(" ]");
310  0 double[] hValuesOld = new double[matrixWidth];
312  0 int iterationCount = 0;
314    // FIXME JAL-4443 - spliterators could be coded out or patched with j2s
315    // annotation
316    // repeat unitl values of h do not significantly change anymore
317  0 while (true)
318    {
319  0 for (int hIndex = 0; hIndex < matrixWidth; hIndex++)
320    {
321  0 double newH = Arrays
322    .stream(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(hValues,
323    eigenMatrix.getRow(hIndex)))
324    .sum()
325    /
326    MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(hValues, hValues))
327    .sum();
328  0 hValues[hIndex] = newH;
329    }
331  0 System.out.print(String.format("iteration %d: [ ", iterationCount));
332  0 for (double h : hValues)
333    {
334  0 System.out.print(String.format("%1.4f, ", h));
335    }
336  0 System.out.println(" ]");
338    // update values of estimated positions
339  0 for (int[] pair : estimatedPositions) // pair ~ row, col
340    {
341  0 double newVal = hValues[pair[0]] * hValues[pair[1]];
342  0 eigenMatrix.setValue(pair[0], pair[1], newVal);
343  0 eigenMatrix.setValue(pair[1], pair[0], newVal);
344    }
346  0 iterationCount++;
348    // exit loop as soon as new values are similar to the last iteration
349  0 if (MiscMath.allClose(hValues, hValuesOld, 0d, 1e-05d, false))
350    {
351  0 break;
352    }
354    // save hValues for comparison in the next iteration
355  0 System.arraycopy(hValues, 0, hValuesOld, 0, hValues.length);
356    }
358    // -----------------------------
359    // Use complemented symmetric matrix to calculate final representative
360    // vectors.
362    // Eigendecomposition.
363  0 eigenMatrix.tred();
364  0 eigenMatrix.tqli();
366  0 System.out.println("eigenmatrix");
367  0 eigenMatrix.print(System.out, "%8.2f");
368  0 System.out.println();
369  0 System.out.println("uncorrected eigenvalues");
370  0 eigenMatrix.printD(System.out, "%2.4f ");
371  0 System.out.println();
373  0 double[] eigenVals = eigenMatrix.getD();
375  0 TreeMap<Double, Integer> eigenPairs = new TreeMap<>(
376    Comparator.reverseOrder());
377  0 for (int i = 0; i < eigenVals.length; i++)
378    {
379  0 eigenPairs.put(eigenVals[i], i);
380    }
382    // matrix of representative eigenvectors (each row is a vector)
383  0 double[][] _repMatrix = new double[eigenVals.length][dim];
384  0 double[][] _oldMatrix = new double[eigenVals.length][dim];
385  0 double[] correctedEigenValues = new double[dim];
387  0 int l = 0;
388  0 for (Entry<Double, Integer> pair : eigenPairs.entrySet())
389    {
390  0 double eigenValue = pair.getKey();
391  0 int column = pair.getValue();
392  0 double[] eigenVector = eigenMatrix.getColumn(column);
393    // for 2nd and higher eigenvalues
394  0 if (l >= 1)
395    {
396  0 eigenValue /= correctionFactor;
397    }
398  0 correctedEigenValues[l] = eigenValue;
399  0 for (int j = 0; j < eigenVector.length; j++)
400    {
401  0 _repMatrix[j][l] = (eigenValue < 0) ? 0.0
402    : -Math.sqrt(eigenValue) * eigenVector[j];
403  0 double tmpOldScore = scoresOld.getColumn(column)[j];
404  0 _oldMatrix[j][dim - l - 1] = (Double.isNaN(tmpOldScore)) ? 0.0
405    : tmpOldScore;
406    }
407  0 l++;
408  0 if (l >= dim)
409    {
410  0 break;
411    }
412    }
414  0 System.out.println("correctedEigenValues");
415  0 MiscMath.print(correctedEigenValues, "%2.4f ");
417  0 repMatrix = new Matrix(_repMatrix);
418  0 repMatrix.setD(correctedEigenValues);
419  0 MatrixI oldMatrix = new Matrix(_oldMatrix);
421  0 MatrixI dotMatrix = repMatrix.postMultiply(repMatrix.transpose());
423  0 double rmsd = scoresOld.rmsd(dotMatrix);
425  0 System.out.println("iteration, rmsd, maxDiff, rmsdDiff");
426  0 System.out.println(String.format("0, %8.5f, -, -", rmsd));
427    // Refine representative vectors by minimising sum-of-squared deviates
428    // between dotMatrix and original score matrix
429  0 for (int iteration = 1; iteration < 21; iteration++) // arbitrarily set to
430    // 20
431    {
432  0 MatrixI repMatrixOLD = repMatrix.copy();
433  0 MatrixI dotMatrixOLD = dotMatrix.copy();
435    // for all rows/hA in the original matrix
436  0 for (int hAIndex = 0; hAIndex < oldMatrix.height(); hAIndex++)
437    {
438  0 double[] row = oldMatrix.getRow(hAIndex);
439  0 double[] hA = repMatrix.getRow(hAIndex);
440  0 hAIndex = hAIndex;
441    // find least-squares-solution fo rdifferences between original scores
442    // and representative vectors
443  0 double[] hAlsm = leastSquaresOptimisation(repMatrix, scoresOld,
444    hAIndex);
445    // update repMatrix with new hAlsm
446  0 for (int j = 0; j < repMatrix.width(); j++)
447    {
448  0 repMatrix.setValue(hAIndex, j, hAlsm[j]);
449    }
450    }
452    // dot product of representative vecotrs yields a matrix with values
453    // approximating the correlation matrix
454  0 dotMatrix = repMatrix.postMultiply(repMatrix.transpose());
455    // calculate rmsd between approximation and correlation matrix
456  0 rmsd = scoresOld.rmsd(dotMatrix);
458    // calculate maximum change of representative vectors of current
459    // iteration
460  0 MatrixI diff = repMatrix.subtract(repMatrixOLD).absolute();
461  0 double maxDiff = 0.0;
462  0 for (int i = 0; i < diff.height(); i++)
463    {
464  0 for (int j = 0; j < diff.width(); j++)
465    {
466  0 maxDiff = (diff.getValue(i, j) > maxDiff) ? diff.getValue(i, j)
467    : maxDiff;
468    }
469    }
471    // calculate rmsd between current and previous estimation
472  0 double rmsdDiff = dotMatrix.rmsd(dotMatrixOLD);
474  0 System.out.println(String.format("%d, %8.5f, %8.5f, %8.5f",
475    iteration, rmsd, maxDiff, rmsdDiff));
477  0 if (!(Math.abs(maxDiff) > 1e-06))
478    {
479  0 repMatrix = repMatrixOLD.copy();
480  0 break;
481    }
482    }
484    } catch (Exception q)
485    {
486  0 Console.error("Error computing cc_analysis: " + q.getMessage());
487  0 q.printStackTrace();
488    }
489  0 System.out.println("final coordinates:");
490  0 repMatrix.print(System.out, "%1.8f ");
491  0 return repMatrix;
492    }
494    /**
495    * Create equations system using information on originally known pairwise
496    * correlation coefficients (parsed from infile) and the representative result
497    * vectors
498    *
499    * Each equation has the format:
500    *
501    * hA * hA - pairwiseCC = 0
502    *
503    * with:
504    *
505    * hA: unknown variable
506    *
507    * hB: known representative vector
508    *
509    * pairwiseCC: known pairwise correlation coefficien
510    *
511    * The resulting equations system is overdetermined, if there are more
512    * equations than unknown elements
513    *
514    * x is the user input. Remaining parameters are needed for generating
515    * equations system, NOT to be specified by user).
516    *
517    * @param x
518    * ~ unknown n-dimensional column-vector
519    * @param hAIndex
520    * ~ index of currently optimised representative result vector.
521    * @param h
522    * ~ matrix with row-wise listing of representative result vectors.
523    * @param originalRow
524    * ~ matrix-row of originally parsed pairwise correlation
525    * coefficients.
526    *
527    * @return
528    */
529  0 toggle private double[] originalToEquasionSystem(double[] hA, MatrixI repMatrix,
530    MatrixI scoresOld, int hAIndex)
531    {
532  0 double[] originalRow = scoresOld.getRow(hAIndex);
533  0 int nans = MiscMath.countNaN(originalRow);
534  0 double[] result = new double[originalRow.length - nans];
536    // for all pairwiseCC in originalRow
537  0 int resultIndex = 0;
538  0 for (int hBIndex = 0; hBIndex < originalRow.length; hBIndex++)
539    {
540  0 double pairwiseCC = originalRow[hBIndex];
541    // if not NaN -> create new equation and add it to the system
542  0 if (!Double.isNaN(pairwiseCC))
543    {
544  0 double[] hB = repMatrix.getRow(hBIndex);
545  0 result[resultIndex++] = MiscMath
546    .sum(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(hA, hB)) - pairwiseCC;
547    }
548    else
549    {
550    }
551    }
552  0 return result;
553    }
555    /**
556    * returns the jacobian matrix
557    *
558    * @param repMatrix
559    * ~ matrix of representative vectors
560    * @param hAIndex
561    * ~ current row index
562    *
563    * @return
564    */
565  0 toggle private MatrixI approximateDerivative(MatrixI repMatrix,
566    MatrixI scoresOld, int hAIndex)
567    {
568    // hA = x0
569  0 double[] hA = repMatrix.getRow(hAIndex);
570  0 double[] f0 = originalToEquasionSystem(hA, repMatrix, scoresOld,
571    hAIndex);
572  0 double[] signX0 = new double[hA.length];
573  0 double[] xAbs = new double[hA.length];
574  0 for (int i = 0; i < hA.length; i++)
575    {
576  0 signX0[i] = (hA[i] >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
577  0 xAbs[i] = (Math.abs(hA[i]) >= 1.0) ? Math.abs(hA[i]) : 1.0;
578    }
579  0 double rstep = Math.pow(Math.ulp(1.0), 0.5);
581  0 double[] h = new double[hA.length];
582  0 for (int i = 0; i < hA.length; i++)
583    {
584  0 h[i] = rstep * signX0[i] * xAbs[i];
585    }
587  0 int m = f0.length;
588  0 int n = hA.length;
589  0 double[][] jTransposed = new double[n][m];
590  0 for (int i = 0; i < h.length; i++)
591    {
592  0 double[] x = new double[h.length];
593  0 System.arraycopy(hA, 0, x, 0, h.length);
594  0 x[i] += h[i];
595  0 double dx = x[i] - hA[i];
596  0 double[] df = originalToEquasionSystem(x, repMatrix, scoresOld,
597    hAIndex);
598  0 for (int j = 0; j < df.length; j++)
599    {
600  0 df[j] -= f0[j];
601  0 jTransposed[i][j] = df[j] / dx;
602    }
603    }
604  0 MatrixI J = new Matrix(jTransposed).transpose();
605  0 return J;
606    }
608    /**
609    * norm of regularized (by alpha) least-squares solution minus Delta
610    *
611    * @param alpha
612    * @param suf
613    * @param s
614    * @param Delta
615    *
616    * @return
617    */
618  0 toggle private double[] phiAndDerivative(double alpha, double[] suf, double[] s,
619    double Delta)
620    {
621  0 double[] denom = MiscMath
622    .elementwiseAdd(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(s, s), alpha);
623  0 double pNorm = MiscMath.norm(MiscMath.elementwiseDivide(suf, denom));
624  0 double phi = pNorm - Delta;
625    // - sum ( suf**2 / denom**3) / pNorm
626  0 double phiPrime = -MiscMath.sum(MiscMath.elementwiseDivide(
627    MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(suf, suf),
628    MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(
629    MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(denom, denom), denom)))
630    / pNorm;
631  0 return new double[] { phi, phiPrime };
632    }
634    /**
635    * class holding the result of solveLsqTrustRegion
636    */
637    private class TrustRegion
638    {
639    private double[] step;
641    private double alpha;
643    private int iteration;
645  0 toggle public TrustRegion(double[] step, double alpha, int iteration)
646    {
647  0 this.step = step;
648  0 this.alpha = alpha;
649  0 this.iteration = iteration;
650    }
652  0 toggle public double[] getStep()
653    {
654  0 return this.step;
655    }
657  0 toggle public double getAlpha()
658    {
659  0 return this.alpha;
660    }
662  0 toggle public int getIteration()
663    {
664  0 return this.iteration;
665    }
666    }
668    /**
669    * solve a trust-region problem arising in least-squares optimisation
670    *
671    * @param n
672    * ~ number of variables
673    * @param m
674    * ~ number of residuals
675    * @param uf
676    * @param s
677    * ~ singular values of J
678    * @param V
679    * ~ transpose of VT
680    * @param Delta
681    * ~ radius of a trust region
682    * @param alpha
683    * ~ initial guess for alpha
684    *
685    * @return
686    */
687  0 toggle private TrustRegion solveLsqTrustRegion(int n, int m, double[] uf,
688    double[] s, MatrixI V, double Delta, double alpha)
689    {
690  0 double[] suf = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(s, uf);
692    // check if J has full rank and tr Gauss-Newton step
693  0 boolean fullRank = false;
694  0 if (m >= n)
695    {
696  0 double threshold = s[0] * Math.ulp(1.0) * m;
697  0 fullRank = s[s.length - 1] > threshold;
698    }
699  0 if (fullRank)
700    {
701  0 double[] p = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(
702    V.sumProduct(MiscMath.elementwiseDivide(uf, s)), -1);
703  0 if (MiscMath.norm(p) <= Delta)
704    {
705  0 TrustRegion result = new TrustRegion(p, 0.0, 0);
706  0 return result;
707    }
708    }
710  0 double alphaUpper = MiscMath.norm(suf) / Delta;
711  0 double alphaLower = 0.0;
712  0 if (fullRank)
713    {
714  0 double[] phiAndPrime = phiAndDerivative(0.0, suf, s, Delta);
715  0 alphaLower = -phiAndPrime[0] / phiAndPrime[1];
716    }
718  0 alpha = (!fullRank && alpha == 0.0)
719    ? alpha = Math.max(0.001 * alphaUpper,
720    Math.pow(alphaLower * alphaUpper, 0.5))
721    : alpha;
723  0 int iteration = 0;
724  0 while (iteration < 10) // 10 is default max_iter
725    {
726  0 alpha = (alpha < alphaLower || alpha > alphaUpper)
727    ? alpha = Math.max(0.001 * alphaUpper,
728    Math.pow(alphaLower * alphaUpper, 0.5))
729    : alpha;
730  0 double[] phiAndPrime = phiAndDerivative(alpha, suf, s, Delta);
731  0 double phi = phiAndPrime[0];
732  0 double phiPrime = phiAndPrime[1];
734  0 alphaUpper = (phi < 0) ? alpha : alphaUpper;
735  0 double ratio = phi / phiPrime;
736  0 alphaLower = Math.max(alphaLower, alpha - ratio);
737  0 alpha -= (phi + Delta) * ratio / Delta;
739  0 if (Math.abs(phi) < 0.01 * Delta) // default rtol set to 0.01
740    {
741  0 break;
742    }
743  0 iteration++;
744    }
746    // p = - suf / (s**2 + alpha))
747  0 double[] tmp = MiscMath.elementwiseDivide(suf, MiscMath
748    .elementwiseAdd(MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(s, s), alpha));
749  0 double[] p = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(V.sumProduct(tmp), -1);
751    // Make the norm of p equal to Delta, p is changed only slightly during
752    // this.
753    // It is done to prevent p lie outside of the trust region
754  0 p = MiscMath.elementwiseMultiply(p, Delta / MiscMath.norm(p));
756  0 TrustRegion result = new TrustRegion(p, alpha, iteration + 1);
757  0 return result;
758    }
760    /**
761    * compute values of a quadratic function arising in least squares function:
762    * 0.5 * s.T * (J.T * J + diag) * s + g.T * s
763    *
764    * @param J
765    * ~ jacobian matrix
766    * @param g
767    * ~ gradient
768    * @param s
769    * ~ steps and rows
770    *
771    * @return
772    */
773  0 toggle private double evaluateQuadratic(MatrixI J, double[] g, double[] s)
774    {
776  0 double[] Js = J.sumProduct(s);
777  0 double q =, Js);
778  0 double l =, g);
780  0 return 0.5 * q + l;
781    }
783    /**
784    * update the radius of a trust region based on the cost reduction
785    *
786    * @param Delta
787    * @param actualReduction
788    * @param predictedReduction
789    * @param stepNorm
790    * @param boundHit
791    *
792    * @return
793    */
794  0 toggle private double[] updateTrustRegionRadius(double Delta,
795    double actualReduction, double predictedReduction,
796    double stepNorm, boolean boundHit)
797    {
798  0 double ratio = 0;
799  0 if (predictedReduction > 0)
800    {
801  0 ratio = actualReduction / predictedReduction;
802    }
803  0 else if (predictedReduction == 0 && actualReduction == 0)
804    {
805  0 ratio = 1;
806    }
807    else
808    {
809  0 ratio = 0;
810    }
812  0 if (ratio < 0.25)
813    {
814  0 Delta = 0.25 * stepNorm;
815    }
816  0 else if (ratio > 0.75 && boundHit)
817    {
818  0 Delta *= 2.0;
819    }
821  0 return new double[] { Delta, ratio };
822    }
824    /**
825    * trust region reflective algorithm
826    *
827    * @param repMatrix
828    * ~ Matrix containing representative vectors
829    * @param scoresOld
830    * ~ Matrix containing initial observations
831    * @param index
832    * ~ current row index
833    * @param J
834    * ~ jacobian matrix
835    *
836    * @return
837    */
838  0 toggle private double[] trf(MatrixI repMatrix, MatrixI scoresOld, int index,
839    MatrixI J)
840    {
841    // hA = x0
842  0 double[] hA = repMatrix.getRow(index);
843  0 double[] f0 = originalToEquasionSystem(hA, repMatrix, scoresOld, index);
844  0 int nfev = 1;
845  0 int m = J.height();
846  0 int n = J.width();
847  0 double cost = 0.5 *, f0);
848  0 double[] g = J.transpose().sumProduct(f0);
849  0 double Delta = MiscMath.norm(hA);
850  0 int maxNfev = hA.length * 100;
851  0 double alpha = 0.0; // "Levenberg-Marquardt" parameter
853  0 double gNorm = 0;
854  0 boolean terminationStatus = false;
855  0 int iteration = 0;
857  0 while (true)
858    {
859  0 gNorm = MiscMath.norm(g);
860  0 if (terminationStatus || nfev == maxNfev)
861    {
862  0 break;
863    }
864  0 SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(
865    new Array2DRowRealMatrix(J.asArray()));
866  0 MatrixI U = new Matrix(svd.getU().getData());
867  0 double[] s = svd.getSingularValues();
868  0 MatrixI V = new Matrix(svd.getV().getData()).transpose();
869  0 double[] uf = U.transpose().sumProduct(f0);
871  0 double actualReduction = -1;
872  0 double[] xNew = new double[hA.length];
873  0 double[] fNew = new double[f0.length];
874  0 double costNew = 0;
875  0 double stepHnorm = 0;
877  0 while (actualReduction <= 0 && nfev < maxNfev)
878    {
879  0 TrustRegion trustRegion = solveLsqTrustRegion(n, m, uf, s, V, Delta,
880    alpha);
881  0 double[] stepH = trustRegion.getStep();
882  0 alpha = trustRegion.getAlpha();
883  0 int nIterations = trustRegion.getIteration();
884  0 double predictedReduction = -(evaluateQuadratic(J, g, stepH));
886  0 xNew = MiscMath.elementwiseAdd(hA, stepH);
887  0 fNew = originalToEquasionSystem(xNew, repMatrix, scoresOld, index);
888  0 nfev++;
890  0 stepHnorm = MiscMath.norm(stepH);
892  0 if (MiscMath.countNaN(fNew) > 0)
893    {
894  0 Delta = 0.25 * stepHnorm;
895  0 continue;
896    }
898    // usual trust-region step quality estimation
899  0 costNew = 0.5 *, fNew);
900  0 actualReduction = cost - costNew;
902  0 double[] updatedTrustRegion = updateTrustRegionRadius(Delta,
903    actualReduction, predictedReduction, stepHnorm,
904    stepHnorm > (0.95 * Delta));
905  0 double DeltaNew = updatedTrustRegion[0];
906  0 double ratio = updatedTrustRegion[1];
908    // default ftol and xtol = 1e-8
909  0 boolean ftolSatisfied = actualReduction < (1e-8 * cost)
910    && ratio > 0.25;
911  0 boolean xtolSatisfied = stepHnorm < (1e-8
912    * (1e-8 + MiscMath.norm(hA)));
913  0 terminationStatus = ftolSatisfied || xtolSatisfied;
914  0 if (terminationStatus)
915    {
916  0 break;
917    }
919  0 alpha *= Delta / DeltaNew;
920  0 Delta = DeltaNew;
922    }
923  0 if (actualReduction > 0)
924    {
925  0 hA = xNew;
926  0 f0 = fNew;
927  0 cost = costNew;
929  0 J = approximateDerivative(repMatrix, scoresOld, index);
931  0 g = J.transpose().sumProduct(f0);
932    }
933    else
934    {
935  0 stepHnorm = 0;
936  0 actualReduction = 0;
937    }
938  0 iteration++;
939    }
941  0 return hA;
942    }
944    /**
945    * performs the least squares optimisation adapted from
946    *
947    *
948    * @param repMatrix
949    * ~ Matrix containing representative vectors
950    * @param scoresOld
951    * ~ Matrix containing initial observations
952    * @param index
953    * ~ current row index
954    *
955    * @return
956    */
957  0 toggle private double[] leastSquaresOptimisation(MatrixI repMatrix,
958    MatrixI scoresOld, int index)
959    {
960  0 MatrixI J = approximateDerivative(repMatrix, scoresOld, index);
961  0 double[] result = trf(repMatrix, scoresOld, index, J);
962  0 return result;
963    }
965    }