Class jalview.renderer.seqfeatures.FeatureRendererTest











Test Duration Result
testFilterFeaturesForDisplay 0.016s passed
testFindAllFeatures 0.013s passed
testFindComplementFeaturesAtResidue 0.087s passed
testFindFeaturesAtColumn 0.013s passed
testGetColour 0.017s passed
testIsVisible 0.013s passed
File format identified as Fasta
deregistering discoverer listener
deregistering discoverer listener
deregistering discoverer listener
File format identified as Fasta
deregistering discoverer listener
Java version: 11.0.25
Java Home: /srv/bamboo/home/bamboo/buildtools/jdk/jdk-11-linux-x64/jdk
amd64 Linux 3.10.0-1160.24.1.el7.x86_64
CMD [-props test/jalview/testProps.jvprops] executed successfully!
loading services
Could not make Java version check
File format identified as Fasta
registry.getSupportedServices: [RNAalifoldWS, ClustalWS, ProbconsWS, ClustalOWS, DisemblWS, JronnWS, TcoffeeWS, IUPredWS, MSAprobsWS, GlobPlotWS, MafftWS, GLprobsWS, MuscleWS, AAConWS]
Attempting to connect with MafftWS...
Discovered service:
Attempting to connect with MuscleWS...
deregistering discoverer listener
deregistering discoverer listener
deregistering discoverer listener
All mappings removed
File format identified as Fasta
Discovered service:
deregistering discoverer listener
File format identified as Fasta
Attempting to connect with ClustalWS...
Discovered service:
deregistering discoverer listener
Attempting to connect with ClustalOWS...
File format identified as Fasta
deregistering discoverer listener
Discovered service:
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Loaded Sequence Ontology from (17ms)
INFO - Discovering jws1 services
Could not load jar:file:/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-GDB665-JOB1/build/clover/clover-classes/!/.build_properties
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Reloading services for jalview.ws2.client.slivka.SlivkaWSDiscoverer
INFO - Reloading services for jalview.ws2.client.ebi.JobDispatcherWSDiscoverer
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
Invalid or corrupt date in property 'JALVIEW_NEWS_RSS_LASTMODIFIED' : value was 'Apr 23, 2014 2:53:26 PM'
INFO - Fetching list of services from
INFO - Fetching list of services from
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
Feb 28, 2025 2:55:45 PM connectToRegistry
INFO: Connected to RegistryWS successfully!
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
Feb 28, 2025 2:55:45 PM connect
INFO: Connected successfully!
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
Feb 28, 2025 2:55:45 PM connect
INFO: Connected successfully!
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
Feb 28, 2025 2:55:45 PM connect
INFO: Connected successfully!
INFO - Reloading services for jalview.ws2.client.jpred4.JPred4WSDiscoverer
INFO - Fetching list of services from
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
Feb 28, 2025 2:55:45 PM connect
INFO: Connected successfully!
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu