successful |
Test | Duration | Result |
testGetExtension | 0.001s | passed |
testGetImageIcon | 0.041s | passed |
testGetTypeDescription | 0.001s | passed |
registry.getSupportedServices: [RNAalifoldWS, ClustalWS, ProbconsWS, ClustalOWS, DisemblWS, JronnWS, TcoffeeWS, IUPredWS, MSAprobsWS, GlobPlotWS, MafftWS, GLprobsWS, MuscleWS, AAConWS] Attempting to connect with MafftWS... Discovered service:
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 Feb 28, 2025 2:55:11 PM connectToRegistry INFO: Connected to RegistryWS successfully! INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 Feb 28, 2025 2:55:11 PM connect INFO: Connected successfully! INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 INFO - Rebuiling WS menu INFO - Building web service menu for slivka INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4 JalviewFileView.createImageIcon: Couldn't find file: /images/nosuchfile.png JalviewFileView.createImageIcon: Couldn't find file: images/file.png