Test |
Duration |
Result |
testImportExportPeriodGaps |
0.038s |
passed |
Java version: 11.0.25
Java Home: /srv/bamboo/home/bamboo/buildtools/jdk/jdk-11-linux-x64/jdk
amd64 Linux 3.10.0-1160.24.1.el7.x86_64
CMD [-props test/jalview/io/testProps.jvprops] executed successfully!
loading services
Could not make Java version check
File format identified as Fasta
INFO - Loaded Sequence Ontology from (25ms)
INFO - Discovering jws1 services
Could not load jar:file:/srv/bamboo/bamboo-home/xml-data/build-dir/196609/JB-GDB665-JOB1/build/clover/clover-classes/!/.build_properties
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Reloading services for jalview.ws2.client.slivka.SlivkaWSDiscoverer
INFO - Fetching list of services from
INFO - Reloading services for jalview.ws2.client.ebi.JobDispatcherWSDiscoverer
INFO - Fetching list of services from
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
Invalid or corrupt date in property 'JALVIEW_NEWS_RSS_LASTMODIFIED' : value was 'Apr 23, 2014 2:53:26 PM'
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4
INFO - Rebuiling WS menu
INFO - Building web service menu for slivka
INFO - Building web services menu for jobs dispatcher
INFO - Building web services menu for jpred4