Class jalview.analysis.AnnotationSorterTest











Test Duration Result
testNoSort_autocalcFirst 0.001s passed
testSortBySequenceAndType_autocalcFirst 0s passed
testSortBySequenceAndType_autocalcLast 0.001s passed
testSortByTypeAndSequence_autocalcFirst 0s passed
testSortByTypeAndSequence_autocalcLast 0.001s passed
testSort_timingPresorted 0.482s passed
testSort_timingSemisorted 1.248s passed
testSort_timingUnsorted 0.436s passed
Timing test for presorted 50 sequences and 100 annotations took 1ms
Timing test for presorted 500 sequences and 1000 annotations took 15ms
Timing test for presorted 5000 sequences and 10000 annotations took 439ms
Sort by label for semisorted 50 sequences and 100 annotations took 0ms
Resort by sequence for semisorted 50 sequences and 100 annotations took 2ms
Resort by label for semisorted 50 sequences and 100 annotations took 0ms
Sort by label for semisorted 500 sequences and 1000 annotations took 8ms
Resort by sequence for semisorted 500 sequences and 1000 annotations took 5ms
Resort by label for semisorted 500 sequences and 1000 annotations took 7ms
Sort by label for semisorted 5000 sequences and 10000 annotations took 417ms
Resort by sequence for semisorted 5000 sequences and 10000 annotations took 392ms
Resort by label for semisorted 5000 sequences and 10000 annotations took 399ms
Timing test for unsorted 50 sequences and 100 annotations took 0ms
Timing test for unsorted 500 sequences and 1000 annotations took 6ms
Timing test for unsorted 5000 sequences and 10000 annotations took 414ms