Build #63

Build and run tests under Java 11

Build: #63 was successful

Job: Clover and Tests was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

All input operations( c m d [-tree examples/testdata/uniref50 test tree] executed successfully!, failed command : -tree examples/testdata/uniref50 test tree): Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "All input operations( c m d [-tree examples/testdata/uniref50 test tree] executed successfully!, failed command : -tree examples/testdata/uniref50 test tree)" in build 63 of Jalview Builds - Gradle Develop Build - releases-Release_2_11_2_Branch - Clover and Tests. View test case history
All input operations( c m d [-tree examples/testdata/uniref50 test tree] executed successfully!, failed command : -tree examples/testdata/uniref50 test tree)
Test class
Gradle suite > Gradle test > jalview.bin.CommandLineOperations
testAllInputOperations(CMD [-tree examples/testdata/uniref50_test_tree] executed successfully!, Failed command : -tree examples/testdata/uniref50_test_tree)
< 1 sec